The out-of-town recreation center is one of the most favorite places for Russians to spend weekends, holidays and vacations. It is not necessary to go far from home to have a good rest. Therefore, business projects related to the organization of recreation centers are very popular and in demand. A recreation center can be opened by both a legal entity and an individual.

Step 1
First, determine the place where the recreation center will be located. Scenic spots are the most popular. Forests, natural reservoirs attract vacationers with their capabilities: you can go fishing, swim in the summer, go for mushrooms, berries and just breathe in the fresh air.
Step 2
Determine whether you will build a recreation center "from scratch" or purchase an abandoned children's camp or an idle sanatorium for its organization. In any case, agree on the choice of a land plot for construction or purchase of a territory with premises with the administration of the district or city. Having received a building permit, develop a construction project, which must be agreed with all authorities and submitted for state expertise. The package of permits includes a topographic plan of a land plot, documents for cadastral registration, an opinion on technical conditions for connecting an object to engineering networks, etc.
Step 3
When carrying out construction and construction and finishing works, take into account the "seasonal" nature of the object. If you decide that the recreation center will work all year round, build capital structures, buy winter equipment for outdoor activities (snowmobiles, ski equipment, etc.), your business project will become much more successful if the recreation center does not stand idle closed in the off-season.
Step 4
Before determining your pricing policy, analyze the market for services offered by potential competitors - nearby recreation centers. Thus, you will identify the competitiveness of your company and its advantages.
Step 5
Offer your potential clients the most varied vacation possible. Organize a place for swimming, purchase various sports equipment. You can build a Russian bath and a swimming pool. Horseback riding will be a good entertainment.
Step 6
Take care of the advertising campaign in the media, on the Internet, on local radio stations. Arrange reliable security for the recreation center so that the safety of customers does not cause them doubts.