There are many marketing strategies available to boost your sales. But all of them are based on presenting this or that product in a favorable light. The specificity of selling building materials is that they are not a finished product, but are raw materials. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to achieve a high level of sales of building materials using traditional methods.

It is necessary
- - wallpaper samples;
- - lining samples;
- - samples of building mixtures.
Step 1
If the number of sales in your home improvement store is poor, go to the sales floor and take a look at the samples on display. You probably see shelves of paint in front of you, slightly unwrapped rolls of wallpaper, cornices, baseboards and boards lined up in a row. This state of affairs is not very conducive to buying.
Step 2
For an ordinary client who is not involved in professional repairs, it is important to see how all these items will look in finished form. Give them that opportunity. Make wood demo samples. Cover them with wallpaper. And so that one model does not merge with another, attach a wooden or plastic border of a suitable color to the edge.
Step 3
The design of the lining and other types of wood used for decoration requires special attention. To increase the sales of these materials, show the buyer how sophisticated and chic ordinary boards can be. Take a small sheet of plywood 20 * 30 cm. Place the lining on it as it will be fixed on the wall. Glue the boards to the plywood with special glue. And then paint one sample with ordinary paint, another with a stain, and treat the third with varnish. On subsequent samples, combine stain and varnish, matte paint and enamel, etc. Let the simple lining sparkle with new colors.
Step 4
Under each sample, place a description of what materials were used to create it. People, seeing a good result, will be interested not only in finishing materials made of wood, but will immediately acquire paint for it.
Step 5
Get creative with your ads for gypsum mixes, cement, plaster. Uncover one bag of each variety. Prepare a small amount of the mixture according to the instructions. From the resulting mass, mold various figures (kolobok, dog bone, small flower, etc.). Let the items dry and place them on the sales floor next to the bags of building materials they were made from. Taking this funny prototype in hand, the buyer will be able to find out the density, strength, texture of the construction sweep before buying it. This attractive offer will be appreciated by both experienced builders and beginners.