How To Calculate Expenses

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How To Calculate Expenses
How To Calculate Expenses

Video: How To Calculate Expenses

Video: How To Calculate Expenses
Video: Expenses in Excel - Tutorial - [Create it in just 12 minutes] 2024, October

The ability to save money or, as they say now, to optimize costs, is important not only in business, but also in the life of every family. After all, in fact, the competent management of the household budget is based on the same rational principles as the planning of expenses in the organization. The main thing in this business is to correctly calculate the costs and find opportunities to reduce them.

The ability to optimize costs is important not only in business
The ability to optimize costs is important not only in business


Step 1

Make it a rule to write down all the expenses that you incur. If there is little hope for memory, because there are so many small expenses that at the end of the day you can't remember everything, start saving all cash receipts from any purchases, tickets from transport trips, receipts for utility bills. Put them in one folder and empty it every few days by rewriting the amounts from the checks into a general table.

Step 2

Line up the table of your expenses, highlighting in it separate lines for each cost item. At the bottom of the sheet, leave a free space in which, if necessary, add additional lines. Decide on the period of the report and fill out this table for each such period.

Step 3

The reporting period can be a week, two weeks, or a month. Perhaps it will be more convenient for you to link it to the dates of receipt of the salary, or, on the contrary, you will calculate expenses and plan them strictly by week. At the end of each period, calculate the costs for each line and print their total.

Step 4

Now that you have accumulated a certain amount of information about the expenses of your family budget, you have the opportunity to engage in more detailed planning of household expenses. See what costs you can reduce, what you can refuse, and what you can't save on. In most cases, when people begin to purposefully calculate costs and plan their spending, they get the opportunity not only to reduce the monetary level of their own consumption, while maintaining its quality component, but also to set aside the saved funds for serious acquisitions. After all, it has long been known that the money saved is the money earned.
