General business expenses of an enterprise are generalized information about expenses that are aimed at management needs that are not directly related to the production process. To reflect these costs in accounting, it is necessary to correctly determine the costs related to them, calculate their amount and reflect on account 26.

Step 1
Analyze all expenses of the enterprise and determine those that relate to general business. They are characterized by the fact that they cannot be directly related to the production process and taken for calculating the cost of production. General business expenses are: administrative and management costs; depreciation deductions and payment for the repair of fixed assets that have managerial or general economic purposes; remuneration of administrative personnel; rent for general utility premises; payment for consulting, auditing, information and other services; other management costs.
Step 2
Reflect general business expenses on the debit of the collection and distribution account 26. In correspondence with him there are accounts for settlements with counterparties, employees, production inventories and others that characterize the operation being carried out. All costs must be documented: acts, payment orders, statements, invoices or other primary documentation.
Step 3
Calculate the total amount of general business expenses that have accumulated on the debit of account 26. This value must fully coincide with the statements of the corresponding accounting form No. 15, which are compiled by the accountant during the reporting period on the basis of primary documentation and developed tables.
Step 4
Write off the general expenses of the enterprise at the end of the reporting period, depending on the method of forming the cost of production. If the calculation is carried out at the full production cost, then a credit is opened on account 26 "General business expenses" and a debit on account 20 "Main production". In some cases, account 23 "Auxiliary production" is used. If the company has adopted a reduced cost calculation, then the expenses of account 26 are transferred to subaccount 90.2 "Cost of sales".