These are difficult financial times for many Russians. Nevertheless, there is no shortage in the store, and prices are rising. You don't want to eat stale bread and empty water. These rules were developed by our family through trial and error. This will save you about 300 rubles from each trip to the store (if you spend an average of one thousand rubles). For a year this is about 100 thousand rubles not wasted in vain.

1) Do not buy for future use. This mainly applies to stocks 2 + 1, 3 at the price of two, and so on. Take only what you need right now (one pack of cookies, one carton of milk, etc.);
2) Make a choice in favor of a little-known brand. World manufacturing giants spend huge money on advertising, while on the windows next to their goods there are the same goods, with the same composition, but with an unspoken name and they are cheaper;
3) Discard semi-finished products. Cook it yourself. It is healthier, tastier, cheaper and at the same time brings the family together;
4) Frozen is cheaper than fresh. Buying chilled or steamed meat and fish is unprofitable;
5) Take a grocery bag in advance, do not buy it at the checkout. It’s a waste of money, even if you don’t throw away these bags, but use them for trash - it still won’t pay off;
6) Make a shopping list in advance and do not deviate from it a single step;
7) Try not to take small children with you to the store, they do not understand how to behave in the store, they grab everything that they simply do not need from the shelves. And in general, this place is not for children;
8) Do not go to the supermarket on an empty stomach, so you will avoid unnecessary and harmful snack purchases;
9) Pay in cash, the card creates the illusion that you can spend infinitely much, while cash "keeps" you in good shape and protects you from unnecessary spending;
10) Don't buy everything in one store. There are small meat stalls, vegetable markets, etc. You are looking for places where this or that product is systematically cheaper and better.