When going shopping in a supermarket, you need to make a list of the necessary goods in advance and already in the store purposefully go to the goods from your list, trying not to be distracted by unnecessary ones. The salespeople of the store deliberately scatter the goods necessary for all across the area of the store so that you can visit all departments and purchase additional goods.

When buying goods, be careful, look at the expiration dates of each, for its quantity in the package, for its weight. Fresh groceries are usually displayed on the shelves behind all products, and either expired or about to expire in front of them.
This may also apply to promotions held in the store. The reduced amount for a product on its price tag may belong to a product that is at the end of its sale period.
When buying, carefully look at the volume of the package and the weight of the product in it. There are two packaged bread products of the same type on the shelf, only one has a lower cost than the other. Here you do not need to chase cheapness. This is a trick of our manufacturers. The cost of 1 kilogram of bread is the same, only the weight of each loaf is different. In that case, if you are not too lazy and count, then it may turn out that it is more profitable to buy bread at a higher price.
The same is with other types of products. Milk can be packaged not in a liter, but only 900 grams, but the cost can be as much as for a full liter. Be careful when shopping for groceries.
Try not to purchase frozen foods or ready-made convenience foods. After all, their nutritional value is much less than that of untreated products. In addition, they can have all sorts of additives that are harmful to the body when consumed.
Do not visit the store very often. All this can lead to unnecessary purchases of goods. We do them unconsciously. Try to purchase goods packaged in large packages. This will save you money, since goods in small packages are, in terms of value, much more expensive.
When planning a trip to the store, you should not take your children or grandchildren with you. In most cases, you cannot leave the store without purchasing a new toy or candy.
And the last thing - carefully look at your cashier's receipts without leaving the cash register. A product that you did not take may be broken. Your goods can be pierced, but with an increased number of them.
Carefully check the prices of the products on the cashier's receipt and on the shelves where the goods are located. With a difference in prices, and in the cashier's receipt, almost always, prices break through higher, you can demand payment for the product at the price indicated on the shelf with the product displayed.
Of course, I really want to trust the store employees, but unfortunately, this trust is refuted by the reality.