Lack of time in the workplace is the scourge of the modern office worker. But why, after all, the time in hours has not become less? These items will save you time and are definitely worth buying.

1. Buy a normal filing cabinet
The urgent need to organize your desktop and all documents is not even discussed. This can save up to 2 hours a day. Therefore, it is very important to have a closet with drawers in which all your documents and receipts will be in order.
2. Second monitor
Or third. For example, you can display a to-do list on the first monitor, current work on the second. Many successful freelancers, having bought a second and third monitor, admit that it is impossible to go back to one monitor.
3. Hands-free phone
When you are left waiting on the line, there is no point in sitting with the receiver to your ear. To save time, use your phone's speakerphone and keep working on something that doesn't require concentration.
4. Wastepaper basket
In which only papers are thrown. That is, you do not have to look for the required receipt in the trash can, but a chance to save some important bills and papers thrown out by mistake.
5. Stickers
Notebook paper is especially good because it can be glued anywhere: on a monitor, refrigerator, in a diary.
6. Regular phone book
Where you can re-record all your contacts. In case of some trouble with a mobile phone, you will be able to quickly restore all contacts, and not get old numbers from mail or ask friends.
7. Notepad
Keep him close at all times. If you suddenly have an idea, you don't have to waste time trying to remember it. They wrote it down - that's all.
8. Latch or lock
At the door of your office, which will allow you to isolate yourself from the rest of the world and do your job.