Banking specialties remain quite prestigious and in demand. One of them is a specialist in the verification department. The main duty of this official is to check information about the bank's customers for the subsequent provision of credit and other services to them.

What is verification
Verification (from Latin verificatio - confirmation, proof) - establishing the truth of any statements. Initially, this concept was used exclusively in the scientific field when searching for evidence for the theories put forward, but later it was fixed in everyday life.
Currently, verification is the process of verifying incoming information, which is relevant in the field of information technology: when registering on various Internet sites, the user must confirm his identity by going through several simple steps (enter the code combination, follow the link, etc.).
Citizens entering the service of some government agencies also undergo verification. It is also necessary to receive certain types of services that require mandatory confirmation of the identity of the applicant and the legality of his actions. This includes the banking sector: thanks to verification, banks are able to issue loans and establish trusting relationships with customers.
What does a bank verification specialist do?
The verification specialist is an employee of the credit department of the bank. Its main responsibility is to verify the identity of the client who applied to the institution for a loan. First of all, he is obliged to establish the authenticity of the submitted documents and make sure that he is really who he claims to be. There are also verification specialists who are engaged in more than just lending activities. Their responsibilities may include maintaining a client base, checking the documentation of the owners of bank accounts, cards and other types of products.
In addition, the verifier refers to the client's credit history, finding out whether he meets the bank's requirements for issuing a loan in the desired amount. An important aspect of the employee's activity is to check the data on the place of residence and work of the potential borrower. If necessary, he makes calls to the phone numbers provided by the client in order to establish their authenticity.
If necessary, a representative of the verification service contacts other banks and organizations to confirm the client's solvency, as well as his compliance with various conditions when concluding transactions. In some banks, this employee directly conducts an interview with a potential borrower, checking documents and other information right on the spot. In the future, the specialist informs the bank whether it is possible to conclude a loan agreement with a potential borrower and on what conditions.
Another stage of the specialist's activity covers the period of cooperation with the client after the loan is issued. He checks the legality of funds received from the borrower to pay the existing debt. If any suspicions arise, a representative of the verification service can report them to the bank so that they take the necessary actions in relation to the corresponding funds. If the client wants to change the terms of the loan agreement, this process is also controlled by the verification service.
To obtain employment for the position of a verification specialist in a bank, a higher economic education is required, preferably in the field of finance and loans. A potential employee must be sufficiently stress-resistant, have computer skills, and experience in the field of banking services. The advantages of the profession include the opportunity for career growth, a convenient work schedule and high wages, exceeding 30,000-40,000 rubles per month in most regions.