A manager is a person who is involved in coordinating and organizing the activities of other people, creating incentives for its implementation, controlling it, as well as forecasting and analyzing. Today the job of a manager is one of the most popular professions in the world. Many universities offer a management diploma. But why has management become so popular? What are the advantages of being a leader?

First, the profession of a manager is well paid. Anyone in whose interest it is to earn more for a living will certainly be interested in this type of activity. Of course, we are talking about great diligence and hard work. Hoping to get money is just so pointless.
Secondly, the leader is a rather prestigious profession. For those who strive to realize themselves in life, for whom recognition of people and the prestige of work is important, management is the ideal option. However, the level of leadership also varies. And if you expect to get the title of a top manager, then again you should work hard and efficiently.
Third, since managers are managers, they have management skills. These skills will undoubtedly come in handy in life for any person. The ability to see for the future, communication skills, stress resistance, financial literacy - this and much more is urgently needed by a person in his daily life.
Fourth, perhaps the dominant factor in the decision-making of modern students is the ease of learning relative to other specialties. Since the key criteria for successful management are experience and intuition, the student needs only to build up a certain scientific base during the course of study.
Fifth, the manager is endowed with certain powers and privileges. This is not about the privileges of officials. Nevertheless, the work of a manager allows you to establish many useful connections, allows you to participate in the life of people, of the whole society. Indeed, at the head of any country, for example, there is a manager who at one time sought to change the world for the better. Management opens up new horizons. The sphere of control is the sphere of realizing oneself, one's inner self.
In conclusion, it should be noted that management, of course, like any profession, has its drawbacks. You cannot judge the profession by only one side of it. Among other things, not everyone is capable of becoming a manager, even if they really want to.