How To Write A Complaint To The FAS

How To Write A Complaint To The FAS
How To Write A Complaint To The FAS

Table of contents:


The Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation exists to monitor compliance with legislation in the field of competition, market and financial relations. Its competence also includes control over the implementation of regulations related to public procurement, advertising and some other areas. In essence, it is designed to protect the rights of entrepreneurs and, accordingly, consumers.

How to write a complaint to the FAS
How to write a complaint to the FAS

It is necessary

  • - data about the company and the manager;
  • - TIN number;
  • - documents confirming the violation of your rights;
  • - a computer;
  • - Internet connection;
  • - Printer;
  • - the envelope.


Step 1

Determine whether the reason for filing a complaint with the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation is sufficiently substantiated. Such a reason may be, for example, an unlawful decision made when summing up the results of a state, regional or municipal competition. A good enough reason - the obstacles to your company by government agencies or natural monopolists. The FAS has quite large powers, including in terms of organizing tax audits.

Step 2

If you are going to send a complaint by regular mail, determine exactly which tax authority you need to send it to. Address your appeal to the higher tax authority. That is, if you write a complaint about the action or inaction of the municipal government procurement committee, send an appeal to the regional inspection, etc.

Step 3

Write a title. The document is called "Complaint against the action (inaction) of an official." Below, write the outgoing number and date, then - the addressee, that is, FAS Russia.

Step 4

Write information about yourself or your organization. Indicate the full name of the legal entity, the details of its head or the surname, name and patronymic of an individual entrepreneur. Write the full legal address, phone number, e-mail address. Specify TIN.

Step 5

State the essence of your complaint. The reason for writing it can be both illegal actions of an official or a state body, and their inaction. In the latter case, this may be, for example, deliberate delay in the tender, failure to provide tender documentation, etc. Specify the details of the person or organization whose actions you are unhappy with. Any complaint must be reasoned. You need to refer to the relevant clauses of the regulations.

Step 6

The complaint will look more weighty if it is backed up with copies of documents. These can be the conditions of the tender, the decision of the tender committee, the conclusions of the supervisory authorities. These may include certified copies. Make a list of them and place them under the text, marking them as “Attached documents”. Certify the complaint with the signature of the individual entrepreneur or the head of the enterprise and the seal. You can send a complaint by registered mail, by courier or in person. FAS is obliged to register your complaint within three days from the date of receipt.

Step 7

If your appeal does not concern public procurement, you can contact the FAS by e-mail or through the website. There is a special form. Fill in the fields correctly. They include last name, first name, patronymic, address, zip code. Write a title for your message. Below is the form itself, intended for the text. If you decide to use the e-mail address indicated on the FAS website, first scan the attached documents. Your complaint must be reviewed within 30 days. The deadline can be extended if additional checks are required. After that, you will receive a message about satisfaction of the complaint or a justified refusal.
