You have noticed that every month you spend more and more on your usual lifestyle. At the same time, your income has not decreased, and, possibly, even increased. You have not made major purchases and are not paying back the loan. This means inflation has reached your wallet. Economists have studied well the process of depreciating cash and recommend effective ways to combat inflation within the family budget.

Step 1
Money in a stocking. This method can be the first step in overcoming inflation. By saving a certain amount from any income, for example, 5% or 10%, after a while you will become the owner of household savings. It is extremely important to follow the system and replenish the piggy bank regularly: after receiving a salary or bonus, from the proceeds from the sale of an old car, etc. But you cannot linger at this stage for a long time. An unexpected spike in inflation can wipe out your entire strategic money supply in an instant.
Step 2
Foreign exchange reserve. If, nevertheless, you decide to keep your money at home, then it is better to convert it into a currency that is credible. In Russia, traditionally, American dollars and European banknotes - euros - are in demand. However, lesser known but more stable currencies can also be purchased, such as the Japanese yen or Swiss francs.
Step 3
Multi-currency wallet. The essence of the method is as follows. Divide all cash reserves into three equal parts. Keep one part in Russian rubles, the other two - in the currency of your choice, for example, in dollars and euros. In this way, you protect yourself from depreciating all savings at the same time.
Step 4
Bank deposit. By opening an account, you conclude an agreement with the financial institution on the transfer of funds for safekeeping. For the use of your money, the bank charges interest at a pre-agreed rate. Deposits can be opened in Russian rubles or foreign currency for a period from 1 month to several years. Some types of deposits can be replenished and closed ahead of schedule. As a rule, the annual growth for ruble deposits is no more than 6-10%. If the interest rate is significantly higher, or the bank offers conditions that differ markedly from the rules of competitors, look for additional information about it. Perhaps this is a pyramid scheme.
Step 5
Gold reserve. Of course, you shouldn't buy gold jewelry. When you sell them, you will receive a pittance that does not cover the initial costs. It is not profitable to buy gold bars either. When purchasing them, a tax of 18% will be charged. Open an impersonal metal bank deposit. The bank will recalculate the amount you contributed in grams of gold, which will be stored. After closing the account, you will be paid the amount in which this amount of gold is estimated on the day the funds are issued.
Step 6
Private property. The purchase of a land plot has been and remains a good investment option. Economists advise purchasing land plots with the possibility of subsequent construction, and not houses or apartments. The demand for the latter is particularly volatile, which means that your funds will not be reliably protected.
Step 7
Securities. Buying shares of large enterprises or bonds of mutual funds is partly a lottery. Even stocks of industrial giants may never rise in value or, even more annoyingly, fall significantly in price. In addition, unscrupulous intermediary companies often operate in the securities market. Therefore, it is necessary to invest in blocks of shares of a particular fund only after a thorough study of all legal documents.
Step 8
Electronic money. This is a new way of storing funds, which is little in demand by the residents of Russia. In order to turn real bills into virtual ones, you need to register in the payment system and replenish your electronic wallet. Purchases and bills for utilities and other services are paid online. It is convenient to use such money without leaving your home. However, it should be remembered that the state does not guarantee the safety of electronic funds.