Some Tips On How To Learn How To Save Money

Some Tips On How To Learn How To Save Money
Some Tips On How To Learn How To Save Money

If you are tired of the fact that half of your salary has to be given to pay off loans and debts, then most likely the time has come to rethink your relationship with finances. If this is true, then you need to learn how to save money, and the process is not instantaneous, but sequential, but you should not postpone it. Let's start right now.

A few tips to learn how to save money
A few tips to learn how to save money

Strict control and accounting

You need to start with a clear record of your expenses. You need to do this in a form convenient for everyone - either start a notebook or download a special program for home accounting. There are no trifles in this matter, so you will have to write everything down. Summing up the results of this practice at the end of the month, you can find out where the largest outflow of funds goes, and as a result, which column of expenses can be painlessly reduced.

Analysis and planning

Have you ever planned your expenses? It's time to start doing it. I suggest using the "four envelopes" method. For this, 10% is deducted from the total available amount. This amount will be spare capital, it is best to open a deposit and put this money on it. We will also deduct all mandatory payments from the salary, such as: repayment of loans, utility bills, payment for kindergarten or school. But the amount that remains after all the deductions must be divided into 4 parts and spread over four envelopes. There is one envelope for every week of the month. You need to try very hard not to spend more money in a week than intended and not to get into the next envelope until the new week begins. This is a real opportunity not only to save, but also to save money.

You shouldn't live in debt

Debts and loans are a heavy burden, and it is very difficult to repay them. The best way to get what you need is to save and save money. Don't be lured by advertising slogans, as most of the money will go towards paying commissions and interest.

Look for cheaper

Immediately you need to make a reservation that you should not save on clothes and shoes. Solid, high-quality things will last a long time. However, there are things that can and should be saved on: there is no need to show off when buying black caviar, it is enough to buy fish.

Clearance sales are a great way to save money. Let's say you can buy expensive winter shoes for half the price in February for the next season. But you shouldn't buy half of the clothing store if there is exactly the same one at home.

It is impulsive purchases that fill the house with unnecessary things and empty the wallet. So each purchase must be made carefully and deliberately.

But to go to the other extreme and lead an ascetic lifestyle is also not worth it. A life devoid of all kinds of pleasures and joys will seem hopeless. There must be a strict balance between squandering and parsimony.
