What You Need To Apply For A One-time Child Support

What You Need To Apply For A One-time Child Support
What You Need To Apply For A One-time Child Support

As financial support for the birth of a child, families are paid a lump sum from the federal budget. It can be received by both the mother and the father of the baby within 6 months from the date of his birth.

What you need to apply for a one-time child support
What you need to apply for a one-time child support

The right to a lump sum at the birth of a child is guaranteed to citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of whether they work or not. The difference between the registration of payments to persons who work for an employer and those who do not work is only in the number of required documents; the instances in which they should be submitted also differ.

The allowance is paid at the place of work of one of the parents, so if both the mother and the father worked before the birth of the child, they can choose which employer to apply for the payment. In this case, the following documents will need to be submitted to the accounting department of the enterprise:

- application for the payment of benefits;

- certificate of the birth of a child in the form No. 24, issued by the registry office;

- a copy of the child's birth certificate;

- a certificate from the place of work of the other parent stating that he did not receive benefits.

If at the time of the birth of the baby, his mother and father are not officially employed, they are equated with non-working, but nevertheless they have the right to receive compensation for the birth of a child in the social protection authorities. To do this, it is necessary to prepare and submit the following documents to the territorial office of the center for compensation payments:

- application for the appointment of benefits;

- certificate of the birth of a child in the form No. 24;

- a copy of the child's birth certificate;

- a certificate from the social protection authority at the place of residence of each of the parents that the benefit was not assigned or paid (it is required if the benefit is issued at the place of actual residence);

- copies of work books of parents: all pages with records of labor activity and a blank page following the last mark of dismissal;

- copies of the passports of the father and mother.

After collecting the necessary documents, you need to provide their originals and copies to the responsible specialist of the center for compensation payments, who will issue a receipt for admission and inform the estimated date of payment of benefits. You can also send certificates by mail with a list of attachments.
