There is nothing difficult in obtaining a child allowance, it will not take you so much time and effort, and additional money will never interfere with a family with a small child.

Step 1
Currently, the state pays three types of benefits related to the birth of a child.
After the birth of the child, the mother is paid a maternity allowance. To obtain it, you need to provide the following documents at your place of work.
1. Application for the appointment of benefits.
2. Sick leave from antenatal clinics.
If you were fired in connection with the liquidation of the company, the allowance must be received from the social security department, after registering with the labor exchange.
Step 2
To receive a lump sum for the birth of a child, you will need the following documents:
1. Application for the appointment of benefits (written on the spot).
2. Certificate of birth from the registry office. Issued when registering a child at the registry office instead of a certificate from the maternity hospital.
3. If both parents work - bring a certificate from the place of work of the other parent stating that the benefit was not assigned.
If only one parent is employed, a lump sum upon childbirth is awarded and paid to the one who is employed. In this case, the same certificate is required from the body of social protection of the population at the place of residence of the child.
If both parents do not work or are studying full-time, a lump sum at the birth of a child is assigned and paid by the social protection body at the place of residence of one of the parents. In this case, you will need extracts from the work book about the last place of work.
If the parents do not work, then the registration and payment of benefits is made in the social security department, and you will also need an extract from the work book
4. Copy of birth certificate. By law, it is not necessary to present a birth certificate and a copy of it to receive a one-time childbirth allowance.
Step 3
Allowance for caring for a child under one and a half years of age (for a parent or other person taking parental leave):
1. Application for parental leave and benefits.
2. A copy of the child's birth certificate.
3. A copy of the birth certificate of the previous child (s).
4. A certificate from the place of work of the other parent stating that he does not use the specified leave and does not receive benefits, and if one of the parents does not work, the same certificate from the social protection authorities at his place of residence.