The accumulative part (LF) of the pension is provided for citizens born in 1967. and younger and accounts for 6% of all contributions to the pension fund (PF). But is it possible to use this pension, withdraw it for current needs, use it? This question interests all people who remember her. In fact, the pension system in Russia does not have a very well-established system.

What happens to our savings and how we can increase them
LF pension funds are formed from employers' contributions. A personal retirement account is opened for each citizen, where the savings are stored. Without our participation, money is invested in the stock market. Unfortunately, you cannot remove them, but you can increase and receive income from this money. To do this, citizens need to make a choice:
- transfer the accumulative fund to a non-state PF In this case, the payment of the LF pension is carried out by the selected non-state Pension Fund;
- change non-state PF;
- LF pensions to transfer and store in a private management company;
- leave everything as it is and keep the LF pensions in the Pension Fund of Russia in the selected investment portfolio (only two portfolios).
You can choose a non-state PF or a management company on the official website of the Pension Fund. The Pension Fund must be notified of the choice made in the form of an application by December 31 of the current year.
How to get the funded part of the pension?
This question arises regardless of the chosen placement of funds. There are three options: a one-time one-time payment, urgent and payment of only the funded part.
Lump sum payment
This method of receiving LF pensions is provided for people with a small funded part and is considered the most popular. The owners of the funded pension less than 5% of the labor pension receive a one-time payment when they reach retirement age.
Urgent payment
In accordance with the terms of this mechanism, the NP is divided into equal parts and paid over a specified period of not more than ten years. This program involves those categories of people who participated in the state program of co-financing of pensions and sent a maternal certificate for low-frequency pensions.
Payment of the funded part
The usual way for many to receive a LF pension is this method. Here, NP is transferred to pensioners along with a monthly pension. This method is considered to be the most common one.
The savings from a non-state PF or a private management company are transferred to the pensioner in accordance with the terms of the concluded agreement.
So, let's summarize the above. Firstly, in order for your future pension to please you, you need to choose a non-state pension fund or a private management company, conclude an agreement and increase your funds every year. Secondly, it will be possible to withdraw the funded part of the pension only at retirement age. Therefore, you should take the management of your future pension into your own hands.