The current legislation of the Russian Federation does not allow using the funded part of the pension at its own discretion. The only room for maneuver that it opens up for a future pensioner is the transfer of this money from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to any non-state pension fund. To do this, you need to choose one of these funds, contact its representatives and go through a number of simple formalities. Private pension funds promise higher returns. However, it is difficult to say for sure that dealing with them is more profitable for many reasons.

It is necessary
- - passport;
- - certificate of state pension insurance;
- - information about the proposals of non-state pension funds on the Internet and in the media;
- - telephone and / or Internet access for communication with representatives of the foundations.
Step 1
The choice of non-state pension funds on the Russian market is already quite large. They are at many banks, financial corporations, many and completely independent. Along with a higher return on pension savings (that is, the likelihood of receiving a slightly higher pension in the future), they can offer various additional bonuses. For example, free life and health insurance for the client.
Step 2
If you decide to transfer your money to one of these companies, carefully study their proposals: information on the Internet on the websites of funds and independent sources, advertising and analytical information in the media, contact representatives of different funds and ask all the questions that you have during monitoring. their suggestions.
Step 3
Having made your choice, contact the representatives of the most interested fund, inform about your decision and agree on further cooperation. Most likely, you will have to visit the office of the fund to sign the necessary papers. In some cases, it is possible for a representative of the foundation to visit your territory. If there is no representative office of the fund of interest in your region, it is possible that you can enter into a relationship with it by exchanging documents by mail. Along with the documents provided by the fund, in this case, you will have to provide copies of your passport and certificate of state pension insurance, possibly other documents at the request of the fund.
Step 4
Having agreed on further cooperation, follow the instructions that you will receive from the representatives of the foundation. You will be required to write an application in the established form on the transfer of the funded part of your pension to the appropriate fund, conclude an agreement with it and, possibly, sign a number of other papers.
Step 5
As with signing any document, read it carefully before signing, ask the fund representatives to explain in detail all the points that you do not understand. Upon completion of the formalities, all the worries related to the transfer of your pension money to the fund will be taken over by the fund.