Can They Give A Loan If There Is A Criminal Record

Can They Give A Loan If There Is A Criminal Record
Can They Give A Loan If There Is A Criminal Record

When issuing loans, banks strive to minimize the risks of non-repayment of debts, therefore they take into account not only the financial condition of borrowers, but also analyze its past.

Can they give a loan if there is a criminal record
Can they give a loan if there is a criminal record

What are the criteria by which banks evaluate borrowers

Today banks assess borrowers in a comprehensive manner, taking into account three main factors:

- customer's credit history - no loan delinquencies;

- the presence of a permanent source of income and its size, loan payments should not exceed 40-70% of the total income;

- the presence of a criminal record.

According to statistics, there are about 3-4 million citizens in Russia with a criminal record, the overwhelming majority of whom were punished for minor crimes.

Thus, a criminal record can become a serious barrier to obtaining a loan. Especially if the borrower has a constant high income, the criminal record does not greatly affect the bank's decision. Most of the refusals received by former convicts are not directly related to their convictions, but are determined by the low level of income of such citizens.

The criminal record must be indicated in the loan application form, because in any case, the bank determines the presence of problems with the law using special databases. And the provision of inaccurate data is guaranteed to entail a refusal to grant a loan.

As a rule, having a criminal record is not an unambiguous reason for refusal. This takes into account the article under which the person was convicted. In particular, a borrower who has previously been convicted of economic crimes or for fraud, as well as one who has an outstanding criminal record, will receive a categorical refusal. According to Russian law, all legal consequences of a criminal record are terminated from the moment it is canceled.

The law provides for several ways to terminate a criminal record - cancellation or withdrawal. A conviction is canceled for conditionally convicted persons - after the expiration of the probationary period, for the rest - within a period of one year.

In the procedure for granting a loan, Sberbank does not provide for such grounds for refusal as a criminal record. However, in fact, it will be quite difficult for such a borrower to get a loan here. All other things being equal, most banks prefer to deal with persons without a criminal record.

How to get a loan with a criminal record

If banks refuse, you can turn to a loan broker for help, who will assist in obtaining a loan. But you will have to pay extra for the services of a broker - they will cost about 3% of the loan amount.

Another option is to take out a loan from small microfinance institutions or small regional banks. You can also contact banks that are loyal to problem borrowers - for example, Home Credit or Renaissance Credit. Most often, the rate on loans in such banks will be higher than the market average.

However, in any case, at the time of obtaining the loan, the criminal record must be paid off.
