Only those who have already earned a billion do not want to make a million. The rest of humanity periodically wonders how to get a lot of money. Some dream and wait for the gift of fate, others do not believe in success, and still others - take matters into their own hands and earn a million.

Step 1
To make a million, you need to really want it. So much as to constantly keep in mind the idea of how to achieve the goal of getting rich.
Try to constantly generate new ideas, write business plans, think over your future actions. It is better that all this is displayed on paper, so that you do not forget what came into your head. Maybe today it is impossible to make money on this, but tomorrow there will be an opportunity.
Step 2
Carefully study the market to which you can bring your future goods and services. Analyze what offers are missing, for example, in your city, and what business niche you can occupy. Perhaps in your area there is only one hairdresser for a large number of the population, or perhaps there is a demand for natural organic dairy products.
Read literature about making money, business and raising money. To open a successful business where you can make a million, you need to study the theory well: accounting, law. In addition, get acquainted with the experience of people who managed to get rich from scratch: Henry Ford, Oleg Tinkov and others. Impressed by the success of others, you will more zealously go to your own success.
Step 3
Review your time and start spending it wisely. Stop unnecessary sitting on social networks and meaningless communication with friends who are constantly complaining about life. Take time to achieve your goal - study, search for the information you need, write business plans.
Maintain relationships with the right people. Almost all of us have acquaintances lawyers, accountants, entrepreneurs, advertising agents. Chat with such friends, they will be able to advise you on business issues.
Step 4
When starting your own business to make a million, analyze small business support programs, as well as offers from banks. If you need initial capital, do not rush to choose a bank, take a loan on the most favorable terms. Ideally, try to get by with your own capital.
Calculate the possible profit and loss of your business. Be aware of possible difficulties, but be aware that all of them can be solved or circumvented. Get ready for the fact that in order to earn a million, you need to work hard, because water does not flow under a lying stone. Do not be afraid to start, believe in yourself and your victory, and then the result will not be long in coming.