Taxi service is a structure familiar to the townspeople for a long time. After all, it is so convenient, if necessary, to call a car and get where you need to. At the same time, there are no problems and headaches - where to refuel, whether it is necessary to repair, etc. Today taxi services are everywhere, even in small towns. But despite this, disputes about the feasibility of such a business do not subside.

Whether or not it is necessary to open a taxi service in a small town, to what extent it will be in demand, and the costs will pay off - these and other questions are of interest to novice businessmen. Experts offer their recommendations on how to decide whether or not to open their own taxi service in a small town.
What it takes to open a taxi in a small town
First of all, you need to open an IP. This can be done at the tax office, having previously paid the state fee. Write the appropriate application, attach the necessary package of documents to it (you can find out the full list of required papers directly in your tax office) and a receipt for payment of the state duty. Take everything and turn it over to tax specialists.
Next, you need to decide on the advisability of opening a business of this kind in your city. Observing the movements of townspeople, analyzing the available routes, and intervals of movement will help you with this. It is also necessary to conduct a whole research on the distance of objects from each other and their importance to people. So you can understand whether it is easier to walk from home to home or it is better to call a car.
Some recommend that you first get a job as a freight forwarder in a store or become a bus driver. This will help you more visually assess the congestion of the streets and the movement of citizens.
If, according to the results of your research, you understand that a taxi will be in demand, take care of the car. It's good if you first have your own car that is suitable for turning into a taxi. If not, it's worth hiring someone or buying a new vehicle.
Of course, you will need a license to comply with legal requirements. It can be obtained from a special executive body. You need to bring a document on the registration of the vehicle, or a car rental agreement (if you rent it), the passport of the business owner and extracts from the tax office.
The cost of the license is set by local authorities depending on the region. Small towns are lucky in this regard - it will be as small as possible - about 5,000 rubles. by car.
Then it will be necessary to decide the organizational moments: office, phones, dispatcher and much more. At first, if you do not have a lot of money, you can involve all household members in the work: wife, mother-in-law, mother, father, etc. They can easily cope with the functions of the dispatcher. The office will be at your home.
How to make a taxi in a small town profitable
Naturally, your business must be profitable. Otherwise it was not worth it to start. To do this, you need to understand that your taxi service operates in a small town, where the financial capabilities of people are quite limited. Sit down and carefully calculate how much money you want to receive for the trip so as not to be at a loss. Next, correlate the resulting figure with the real state of affairs in the region and answer your question - will you be paid so much.
You can increase your chances of making a profit by cutting your fares to the maximum. After all, it is better to go twice for a call at a cheaper price than to stand for several days waiting for customers who will agree at a higher price.
Don't forget about good advertising too. The best advertisement is word of mouth. Neighbors, charmed by your service and prices, will definitely tell their friends and acquaintances about you. Therefore, think about an individual approach to each client, due to which you can achieve success. You need to create your own company competently.