Starting a business in a small town is not as easy as it seems at first glance. After all, a small city imposes some restrictions - this is the lack of a large number of highly qualified personnel, an insufficient number of consumers and too close communication of people with each other due to which information about poor-quality products or services quickly scatters.

Step 1
But at the same time, close communication between people contributes to the rapid dissemination of information about quality products or high service, in a small city labor is cheaper than in large cities, rental prices are low, which means that you do not need a significant initial investment.
Step 2
When starting a business in a small town, you are likely to run into some problems. The competition in such settlements is not great, but buyers here usually give preference to familiar products, sometimes they are apprehensive about the appearance of new products. But this is not a reason to give up starting a business in a small town. The main thing is to establish the market need and satisfy it.
Step 3
You can build a business based on the location of a small town. Indeed, if large flows of people and transport pass nearby, then great opportunities open up for opening a roadside cafe, hotel, car service, etc.
Step 4
If the settlement in which you are going to open a business is located near a large city, then you can target its residents by providing services at a lower price. For example, services for car enthusiasts such as airbrushing are quite expensive. Transport owners can significantly save money if they turn to you for services, even though they will have to spend some time on the road.
Step 5
If the city is attractive for tourists, and they visit it quite often, then try to open a business selling various souvenirs. Offer guests magnets, key rings, posters, calendars of landmarks and local views.
Step 6
If the area where you live is rich in berries and mushrooms, then buying them from the population for the purpose of processing or further resale is quite a profitable business for a small town. At the same time, the main thing is to establish the production process and find distribution channels.