The cost of funeral services increases annually. That is why the government regularly reviews the amount of the social allowance for burial.

Funeral allowance in 2016 is paid to relatives who have assumed responsibility for organizing the funeral. Funds can be obtained:
- to the FIU, if the deceased was retired;
- in the FSS - if he was employed;
- in the bodies of social protection - for unemployed persons and who are not retirees;
- at the place of work - if the deceased was a minor family member.
For payments to the authorized bodies, you must apply within six months after death. The allowance is transferred to the bank account of the applicant.
The burial allowance is paid in the amount of actually incurred ritual expenses with the presentation of supporting documents (checks, SRF for payment of services). However, the state has set a maximum limit for reimbursable burial expenses.
In 2016, the Government decided not to index the amount of the burial allowance. As a result, it will remain at the level of 2015 and will amount to 5277.28 rubles. In this amount, the benefit will be paid until the beginning of 2017. However, in some regions where the local district coefficient applies, the burial allowance is paid at a higher rate.
In Moscow, in addition to the federal allowance, an amount of 11,000 rubles is paid. If the deceased was disabled or a participant in the Second World War, then the payment increases to 38,400 rubles.