How To Calculate Child Allowance Up To 1.5 Years In

How To Calculate Child Allowance Up To 1.5 Years In
How To Calculate Child Allowance Up To 1.5 Years In

Immediately after the end of maternity leave, a woman can apply for a parental benefit for a child up to 1, 5 years old. In 2015, the algorithm for calculating the allowance for children will not change, but a number of basic indicators will undergo changes that may affect its amount.

How to calculate the child allowance up to 1, 5 years old in 2015
How to calculate the child allowance up to 1, 5 years old in 2015

Who is entitled to childcare benefits for a child under 1, 5 years old

Unlike maternity payments, not only the mother, but also the father (or guardians) can apply for a child allowance. It should be borne in mind that the right to receive benefits arises only after the end of the period of maternity leave. Those. only 70 days after the birth of the child (86 - with complicated childbirth or 110 - with multiple pregnancies).

Both employed and unemployed citizens can count on child benefits.

The procedure for calculating child allowance up to 1, 5 years in 2015

In 2015, the calculation procedure is the same as in 2014. The calculation is based on the woman's average monthly earnings for the two years preceding the occurrence of the insured event. The child allowance up to 1, 5 years now does not depend on the length of service and is paid monthly in the amount of forty percent of the average monthly earnings.

The formula for calculating the child allowance in 2015 can be presented as follows: ((income-2013 + income-2014) / 730 days * 30, 4 days) * 40%. The calculation does not include the time a woman is on sick leave or on maternity leave.

For example, a woman's income for 2 years was 450 thousand rubles. Accordingly, the mother can claim an allowance in the amount of 7495.9 rubles.

When a second child (or twins) appears, payments are summed up. But they should not exceed the average monthly earnings.

The minimum guaranteed amount of child benefits up to 1.5 years in 2015

The minimum benefits are due to the following categories of citizens:

  • unemployed;
  • individual entrepreneurs;
  • persons with work experience of up to six months or a salary less than the minimum wage.

The indexation of the minimum benefits in 2015 is proportional to the growth of the minimum wage. For 2015, it is set at 5965 rubles. The minimum state-guaranteed child allowances up to 1.5 years in the current year will amount to 2718, 35 rubles. monthly. When caring for a second child, the amount doubles to 5436.67 rubles.

The maximum amount of child benefits up to 1.5 years in 2015

The law also establishes the maximum amount of child benefits. It is calculated based on the maximum earnings from which the employer pays contributions to the Social Insurance Fund. In 2015, only 2013 and 2014 are taken into account to calculate the size of the maximum allowances for children under 1, 5 years old. During the periods indicated, the maximum amount of taxable payments was 568 and 624 thousand rubles. respectively. Based on this, the maximum amount of child benefits in 2015 cannot be more than 19855.78 rubles.

How to apply for child benefits under 1, 5 years old

For employed citizens, benefits are issued at the place of work. To assign child benefits, it is necessary to submit a free application to the personnel department (accounting department) on the provision of parental leave.

After the procedure for signing the relevant order by the employer, it is necessary to write an application for calculating payments. You will also need to provide a certificate from the father's employer stating that they did not receive the appropriate payments.

Unemployed citizens and entrepreneurs apply for benefits with the social security authorities.
