A guarantee, or letter of guarantee, is one of the most commonly used letters in business. As a rule, the individual or legal entity who writes the guarantee confirms that he will fulfill certain conditions of the transaction, and also guarantees the quality of his goods or services. Sometimes such a letter is written with a request to perform a particular service, while payment at the end of the transaction is guaranteed.

Step 1
Take the official letterhead of your organization, which contains the name, details and address. Also, the letter must contain the date, the signature of the head of the organization or the chief accountant, the seal of the enterprise.
Step 2
Use a traditional template for your letter of guarantee. According to him, in the head of the letter indicate the position, surname, name, patronymic of the person to whom you are applying, and the name of his organization. Immediately, but on a new line, indicate your full name and position in the format “from Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, General Director of LLC“Ivan”.
Step 3
Having stepped back from the cap, in the center of the form write in large: "Letter of guarantee". Further, from the red line, in the body of the letter, state the actual request. For example: "With this letter we guarantee …". If you do not offer a product or service, but on the contrary, ask for it, write what kind of service you need. At the end, add: "We guarantee payment."