Even the most law-abiding citizen is not immune from the fact that one day he commits an administrative offense punishable by a fine. This can happen by accident, but the regulation of the regulatory authorities still needs to be fulfilled.

It is necessary
- - a receipt with payment details and the amount of the fine;
- - money;
- - a branch of the Sberbank of the Russian Federation or another credit organization making such payments.
Step 1
In the overwhelming majority of cases, the state body that imposed the penalty will provide you with a receipt with the details and the amount of the payment itself. Many send them by mail, but in some cases they may be summoned and delivered in person.
If a summons has arrived, it is better not to shy away from the turnout. This is usually fraught with additional sanctions, for example, being brought to the police if the “invitation to execution” came from there.
The same goes for the deadline for payment. It is usually indicated in a cover letter to a mailed receipt, or read orally if delivered in person.
Step 2
With a receipt and the required amount, come to the nearest branch of Sberbank. If another credit organization is more convenient, check if it works with the necessary payments. Most commercial banks do not do this.
In the department, give the receipt and money to the cashier. After payment, do not forget to take a receipt confirming the payment from the bank operator.
Step 3
If the government agency that imposed the fine requires proof of payment, make a copy of the check and mail it by certified mail with acknowledgment of receipt.
If you prefer to take it personally, it is better to make two copies and ask for a mark of acceptance on the second.
Keep the original with you anyway. In possible controversial situations, it will serve as an argument in your favor.
Step 4
If for some reason you do not have a ready-made receipt, but you know that you must pay a fine, check with the authority that fined you the bank details for payment and the amount of the fine. In this case, you will have to fill out the receipt yourself.
The required details can also be publicly available at a Sberbank branch.