Both adults and children love soda. However, modern manufacturers often add various flavors and flavor enhancers to their carbonated drinks, which does not make the soda healthy. Therefore, many are interested in how you can make such a drink at home.

A bit of theory
Homemade soda is prepared quite quickly and according to various recipes, and its main component is carbon dioxide CO2. It does not burn, has no color or odor, is heavier than air, and dissolves easily in water, giving it a slightly sour taste. Drinks in Soviet soda machines were made in this way - they contained a cylinder of carbon dioxide, which was fed into sweet water under pressure and dissolved in it.
Homemade soda can be made using cans filled with carbon dioxide and a siphon, which is not cheap but still available in stores.
If the siphon is not at hand, you need to prepare the carbon dioxide yourself. It can be obtained from handy kitchen tools such as vinegar and baking soda, which, when mixed, form the required ingredient. So, to make homemade soda, you need to take two teaspoons of baking soda, seven tablespoons of vinegar (9%), a liter of water, two dark plastic bottles, two caps with holes and a 1-meter PVC tube.
Carbonation process
Pour water into one bottle, and mix soda with vinegar in the other. In this case, you need to slightly delay their chemical reaction by first wrapping the soda in a paper napkin and adding it to the vinegar right in it. This will allow you to close the lid before the release of carbon dioxide and not lose some of it. Before this, the tube must be tightly fixed in the holes of the covers so that gas does not pass through them, therefore the diameter of these holes should be slightly less than the diameter of the tube.
Instead of a paper napkin, you can also use a cellophane bag, and a cambric from an old TV is quite suitable as a tube.
In the process of mixing water with carbon dioxide, the bottle with future soda should be shaken vigorously for 3-4 minutes to maximize gas evolution. As a result, a slightly carbonated beverage can be obtained to which fruit flavor or any other tasty component can be added.
When making homemade soda, it is important to observe safety precautions - the bottles must be dark in color and not scratched so that they can withstand the increased pressure inside. In addition, do not increase the amount of vinegar and baking soda indicated in the recipe, as the bottle can burst in the hands and cause injury to the eyes, eardrums and fingers.