How To Fill Out The Statement Of Reconciliation Of Calculations

How To Fill Out The Statement Of Reconciliation Of Calculations
How To Fill Out The Statement Of Reconciliation Of Calculations

Table of contents:


The statement of reconciliation of settlements is a document that reflects the state of mutual settlements occurring between the parties over a certain period of time.

How to fill out the statement of reconciliation of calculations
How to fill out the statement of reconciliation of calculations


Step 1

Put the dates (beginning and end of the billing period) under the name of the document "Statement of Reconciliation of Calculation". For example: from 30.05.2011 to 01.03.2012.

Step 2

Fill in the full name of the company and mark its organizational and legal form (LLC, CJSC, OJSC or IE).

Step 3

Indicate the address of the company in the following sequence: zip code, city, street and building number. Below, indicate the phone number of the company and its TIN.

Step 4

Fill in the information about the company with which the above company made some calculations, operations. Also, first enter the name of the company, then indicate its location (legal or actual address), telephone number and TIN.

Step 5

Note the amount owed or indicate that it is missing as of the current date.

Step 6

Complete the first table. Indicate in it the date when the operation was performed, then completely write down which operation was performed. For example: "Sales of released products from 23.06.2011". Further, if several such operations were performed, write them below in the same column. In the next column of this table, enter the amounts required to pay for each manipulation. Then calculate the total of the transactions. In the event that she was alone, then just rewrite her amount.

Step 7

Print the final balance according to the number of transactions performed.

Step 8

Fill in the data in the second table. It should be noted in it when the company paid for the goods. That is, also write first the date when the payment was made, and then indicate what it was paid for. For example: "Payment from the buyer 2011-23-06". Next, write how much was paid.

Step 9

At the bottom of the tables, put all the necessary signatures and their transcripts of the leaders and chief accountants from both companies. If necessary, you can also affix the seals of these two participating companies.
