In June 2012, the organizer of the MMM-2011 financial pyramid, Sergei Mavrodi, said in his blog that the project could not be continued. Shortly before that, the "Tranquility" regime was introduced in the pyramid, payments to depositors were suspended. Such a measure, according to the organizer of MMM-2011, was needed to prevent large-scale panic among the participants. Sergei Mavrodi urged his supporters not to despair and announced that the financial pyramid would be reorganized soon.

On the official website of Sergei Mavrodi, information was posted that the new project MMM-2012 is an improved version of the previous financial project. It is assumed that the reorganized pyramid will be more stable and will absorb the best that MMM-2011 has demonstrated in its activities. The disadvantages inherent in the previous system are planned to be eliminated step by step. According to Mavrodi, since the start of another MMM project in June 2012, the system began to grow rapidly. In addition, the payments of winnings to those who remained in the previous project have already begun. More than 30 million participants in 43 countries of the world are to support the reorganized pyramid.
The pyramid works according to the following principle: participants buy virtual money (the so-called "Mavro"), after which the rate of this currency increases at a constant rate at the rate of 30-75% per month. You can sell your "Mavro" at any time at the current rate, having received a considerable income. There is no single control center in MMM-2012, it is built in the form of a large-scale social network containing many cells controlled by “foremen”. The exchange of virtual funds for real ones will be made between the project participants themselves.
Like any financial pyramid, MMM-2012 aims to acquire regular profits by constantly attracting new participants to the system. The funds that enter the system are then redistributed among the members of the virtual financial community.
The pyramid has its own updated website, which contains the rules of the system and the conditions for receiving a prize. Here you can also read the feedback of the participants about the project, get recommendations and register in the system. It will be easy to become a partner of MMM-2012 - it requires a computer with Internet access. After registration, the new participant will receive a small gift amount, which will facilitate the acquaintance with the system and provide a “quick start”. Interestingly, the site contains clear information that MMM-2012 is a financial pyramid that can collapse at any moment.