What Is Bank Reorganization

What Is Bank Reorganization
What Is Bank Reorganization

The financial instability of the Russian economy jeopardizes not only the savings of the population, but also sometimes threatens the stability of banks. Taking care that the banks, and with them the deposits of Russians, do not sink into oblivion, the state is carrying out a reorganization procedure.

Bank reorganization
Bank reorganization

Sanitation is not a sentence

Translated from Latin, the term "sanitation" means "recovery". Reorganization is a complex of financial mechanisms designed to prevent the bankruptcy of a financial institution. The main one is direct lending to problem banks to maintain their solvency.

The loan is issued by the Deposit Insurance Agency, which can either attract a third-party investor or repay the loan from its own funds. Moreover, another bank most often acts as a third-party lender. The investor is called a sanatorium and oversees all economic activities of the bank undergoing rehabilitation during the rehabilitation process.

Under the supervision of the sanatorium, the bank is carrying out structural changes - the deposit and credit policy is being revised, costs are being optimized and ways are being created to get out of the financial crisis. Quite often the bank undergoing rehabilitation takes over the line of banking products of the sanatorium.

Working with depositors

In the process of reorganization, the bank continues its work, pays interest on open deposits and opens new ones, most often on new terms. For a client, problems with the bank may begin when a large deposit is closed. Applications for the closure of large deposits in the process of rehabilitation go through the agreement with the sanatorium. This is done in order to prevent bogus transactions. To do this, you will need to submit a complete package of documents confirming the bona fide placement of the deposit: an agreement for opening a deposit account, account statements on accruals, passport of the account holder. The larger the amount of the closed deposit, the longer, as a rule, the sanatorium checks the conscientiousness of the depositor.

The rehabilitated bank places the deadlines and settlement plans with depositors already upon the introduction of the reorganization.

Clients of banks under resolution

Of course, the reorganization itself indicates the financial instability of the banking structure. However, as a rule, those organizations that are subject to reorganization remain afloat. As, for example, it was with the Bank of Moscow.

It is important to remember that reorganization includes, first of all, socially significant banks, whose activities are strategically important for the state. A spontaneous wave of withdrawals of deposits from private clients, who, worried about their savings, seek to transfer them to reliable banks, can worsen the results of the resolution.
