If you leave money at home, then it only depreciates due to inflation. To keep the savings, they need to be made to work. At the same time, they can bring significant income, but it is only important to invest them in the right things.

Step 1
Starting a business is a very convenient way to invest money. The project will develop, make a profit, which means that the capital will increase. If everything is built correctly, the enterprise will operate for many years and will multiply the initial investment. You can start a business on your own, but this requires a good idea, a worthwhile business plan, and the ability to organize and manage. If there are no such resources, then you can invest in someone else's business. Under certain conditions, you pour in capital, and after a certain period of time you receive dividends. Business investment can be successful and very profitable. But according to statistics, about 90% of all companies do not survive even 1 year. This means that there is a huge risk that you will not only not get a profit, but also lose what you had. This option is interesting but adventurous.
Step 2
There is a huge stock market today. You can buy stocks of a wide variety of companies. Many people earn millions on the change in their value. Special exchanges allow you to engage in the sale and purchase of shares, gold, oil, currency. You can register yourself and start working in the system. But this requires knowledge about how the game on the stock exchange takes place, what determines the value of specific assets, and you also need to be able to foresee what will happen next. If there is no knowledge, give the capital into the hands of management companies or people. They will do the same - play on the stock exchange, but do it professionally. Banks offer the same services, while you will receive a much higher percentage than with classic deposits. The more profit you count on, the more risks will arise. Without much difficulty, you can get 14% per annum, but there is a case when for the same period the profit was 200%.
Step 3
Today, buying commercial real estate is considered a good investment. It is in great demand in the modern market. By purchasing such an object, you subsequently rent it out. It generates income on a monthly basis, and the profit can be quite significant. It is only important to buy a property in a good area. You can also invest in the construction of buildings, which will then be used as retail or office space.