Why Is The Pyramid MMM Dangerous?

Why Is The Pyramid MMM Dangerous?
Why Is The Pyramid MMM Dangerous?

Why do more and more financial crises grow like mushrooms after the rain every season? Why do they hit the countries with a developed banking system most tangibly, where banks are trying to make profits out of thin air? Why does manufacturing China, for example, do not suffer from these crises, but, on the contrary, add its GDP?

Why is the pyramid MMM dangerous?
Why is the pyramid MMM dangerous?

For something objective, material to appear, it must be produced. And therefore there is a difference between the concepts: “I have this and that” and “I have money for this and that”. In the second case, you can have as much money as you like and still not get what you want if it has not yet been produced. Or it is not enough for everyone who has money.

The excess of the total amount of money over the total value of the goods produced is a well-known situation from which inflation follows. The opposite situation causes an economic crisis.

Money is the same commodity as everyone else. They are produced, sold, but they still remain a symbol of wealth, but not wealth itself. However, the laws of oversupply or shortage of goods also apply to banknotes. Moreover, on their performance in the accounts.

How does this happen? Remember the famous advertisement "Money must work!" Correct statement. Money representing a certain share of capital funds is invested in production in the form of investments and stimulates it. Then they return with honestly earned interest, which is also justified because they represent what is now produced. This is how bank accounts should ideally grow.

As for the pyramids and MMM, in particular, here a large number of people are engaged in activities, but not production. Comparison of the pyramids with the so-called mutual aid funds is incorrect. In KVP, people simply added money, and they were returned in full in a certain order to the depositors. Not increasing in size, but not decreasing. There are also huge associated costs of paying staff and non-staff workers of the pyramid, to cover legal costs. Finally, the most powerful multi-million dollar advertising. What do the 10,000 rubles invested by a pensioner mean against this background? One rented billboard in the city costs dozens of times more.

So it turns out that people voluntarily bring their hard earned money, like a rent, to the pyramid to feed the "master" in the hope that they will be there at the right time when this "master" will throw the promised bonuses. True, it will not be enough for everyone to return even what they have invested. Everyone understands! However, hoping that someone else will come after, they carry it without thinking about the cynicism of their actions.

In addition to the general moral harm caused to society by the pyramids, people develop a taste for freebies and disregard for the interests of their neighbors (“I will have time, but the grass will not grow there”), each depositor is trite. The pyramid can collapse at once. And it will surely collapse!

And when this happens, the so-called "deceived investors" lobby in the State Duma for a law on the allocation of funds from the state budget to cover their losses. From our total budget of all Russians.

To prevent this vicious practice, many regions - subjects of the Russian Federation - have already adopted laws prohibiting the activities of financial pyramids on their territory. The day is not far off when such a law will be adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation. This means that only the investors in the pyramids themselves will be responsible for their initiatives in the pursuit of fabulously quick enrichment.
