How The New Pyramid MMM Was Built

How The New Pyramid MMM Was Built
How The New Pyramid MMM Was Built

Many have already come across a new intriguing advertisement for the MMM financial pyramid, created by Sergei Mavrodi in 2011. Now the acronym stands for "We Can Much!" Before joining there, it is better to know how it works.

How the new pyramid MMM was built
How the new pyramid MMM was built

The MMM pyramid has a very peculiar structure. It is based on people exchanging money. Each previous investor receives profit from the next one. It is in the interests of each of them to bring more and more participants into the system.

The people themselves hang advertisements in all possible places. The posters say that people think a hundred times before getting involved in this unsafe business. But such frankness only adds confidence to newly arrived citizens.

Sergey Mavrodi and his first followers arranged their business in such a way that the earlier the depositor brings in his money, the more stable income he then receives. It is questionable whether later investors will receive their expected profits.

The MMM-2011 pyramid is distinguished by the following innovation: all participants are divided, as if in the troops of Genghis Khan, into “foremen”, “centurions”, “thousanders” and “temniks”. Accordingly, some manage ten depositors, others - a hundred, followed by a thousand and ten thousand people.

The financial pyramid MMM supplies all these "consultants" with their interest. The first receive 5% from their dozen of depositors, the second 3% from a hundred and 5% from a dozen, the third and fourth: 1% from a thousand in addition to 3% from a hundred and 5% from a dozen. That is why depositors have a powerful motivation to bring all their friends, relatives and acquaintances into the system.

Entering the pyramid, each person takes on the obligation to support it. That is, when the foreman asks to pay off the winnings of another participant, the other must do it from his account. This is the rule of the game.

The complex structure of the MMM functions due to the trust of people to each other. Each ordinary participant trusts another "e-mail" with the password of his account on the Mavrodiev site. Only this is very unreliable from the point of view of psychology. After all, people are often subject to greed and self-interest. And no one will bother to withdraw money from someone else's account.

All accumulated funds of depositors are kept in their own WebMoney accounts. This service is bad for any kind of shenanigans. And with any suspicion of gambles, virtual wallets are blocked. In this case, getting your money will become problematic. The pyramid does not provide any guaranty. To join or not to join it is a personal choice of everyone.
