What is Bitcoin and what is its value? Do I need to earn it and how to do it? How to earn bitcoin without investing money? In a language accessible to an ordinary user, this article will teach the basics of handling a scandalous cryptocurrency.

About a year ago, one could hear about bitcoin from everywhere: the Internet was literally inundated with articles and messages from various sources about the unprecedented rise in prices for the currency, which was previously used mainly by those who were especially enlightened in the field of Internet technologies. The cost of one bitcoin has grown from a tenth of a cent to a thousand dollars for one, and people who bought them once for trivial purposes became rich in an instant.
Now it is impossible to say whether it is worth paying attention to this currency or not. On the one hand, its rate has dropped significantly and fluctuates around $ 280 per BTC. On the other hand, this currency has high potential and it is quite possible that over time, cryptocurrencies will become a ubiquitous and massively used attribute of anonymous payments. And this means that even for the sake of interest, it is worth starting a special wallet for storing bitcoin and keeping there a couple of (unless, of course, you are making Napoleonic plans) units of this famous cryptocurrency.
Bitcoin can be bought, but not all Internet users have a desire to risk currency, especially with current rates, because they earn Bitcoin without investing material resources, but by investing personal time. This type of earnings can be called rather a part-time job, and it is worth paying attention to it if you already spend a lot of time at the computer and you have unlimited access to the Internet.
So, if you nevertheless decide to engage in earning bitcoin, there are several types of resources and opportunities presented on the network. I will not advertise specific resources, but it is not difficult to find them, the system itself is important. Perseverance, methodology and systematicity will become the keys to success in this area.
The first and oldest way to earn bitcoin is mining. Mining in its purest form is a thing for technically advanced users. The essence of the method is to use the computing power of your computer to ensure the security of the currency system itself. The system pays you some amounts for this, the amount of which depends on the very power of your computer. This is how bitcoin itself is born, and its creators associated this process with gold mining. I must say that these amounts are very small, but huge capacities are needed, and with each bitcoin mined, the calculations become more complicated. If earlier it was possible to earn money on mining and not bad, now it is not a profitable investment.
Regular mining is being replaced by cloud mining, which is available for ordinary users. You do not need to build your own bitcoin farm and buy devices, but you rent them for a certain fee for a certain period (from three months to a year), and make a profit. There are also systems for the simultaneous mining of several cryptocurrencies, some of which are also quite promising.
There are also many bitcoin casinos, but these resources can hardly be called resources for earning, rather, on the contrary, for wasting the hard-to-mine currency.
Many users who do not like the very idea of mining collect the mined bitcoins in so-called faucets. Faucets are sites where it is possible to enter captcha at a set frequency, while receiving a certain amount of satoshi (an elementary unit of bitcoin, 1 BTC = 100,000,000 satoshi). Working independently, even on good and stable faucets, you won't be able to collect a lot, so earnings on referral systems flourish. On referral 50% of each captcha input, you can earn many times more. Faucets pay in bitcoin by posting a lot of ads. Withdrawal of funds is possible after dialing the minimum required amount, which each bitcoin faucet has its own.
There are also sites that pay for viewing ads - click-through boxes. Pay on clicks is higher than on faucets, but the number of tasks is limited. On the other hand, it is sometimes easier to log into the buks twice a day and click on all available links than, for example, enter a captcha every hour to get satoshi.
Well, the main ways of earning bitcoin without investments are presented, but do not forget that if you have your own business on the Internet, you can always set payment for your goods / services in bitcoin currency. It is also worth remembering that online fraud is very common and not all resources end up paying hard earned money. Use proven and recommended ones, then you will be happy.