How Does A Poor Man Get Rich?

How Does A Poor Man Get Rich?
How Does A Poor Man Get Rich?

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It is not by accident that people become poor or rich. The level of well-being directly depends on the inner attitude. If you want to become more successful and richer, change your attitudes.

How does a poor man get rich?
How does a poor man get rich?


Step 1

Change your thinking. Surely your mind stores information about why being rich is bad. You may think that you will need to work too hard to achieve financial well-being, and you are not ready to risk your health. Maybe you are afraid to face the so-called difficulties and responsibilities that come with wealth, for example, the risk of being robbed, problems with the tax system, the need to protect your property. Books by authors such as Robin Sharma or Mark Fisher will help you get rid of these internal blocks. Also, start attending seminars on the topic of money and wealth.

Step 2

Learn to control your expenses. Remember, they need to be less income. In the early months, write down everything you spend your money on. This method will help you understand where your money is going. Stop wasting them on unnecessary things. Look at how much you spend per month and multiply that amount by 5. You get the amount of the reserve that you should have. To accumulate the necessary amount, save at least 10% of your salary in a special bank account. Try to increase your income every month. Think about what you can do to achieve this. Provide a minimum of 5% growth. Invest one half of this bonus, and spend the other for your own pleasure. Periodic reception of small material joys is important. If you restrain yourself for a long time, then you risk one day to break loose and lose a much larger amount.

Step 3

Create your own business. It is very difficult for a hired employee to get rich. It is easier for a free artist, but also difficult. In both cases, there is a ceiling, because every day you have limited time and energy. Create your own system that works for you. Don't be afraid to take action. Don't wait for the right moment to start. Remember that you deserve to be rich.
