Accounting for income tax calculations must be made in organizations in accordance with the norms of PBU 18/02. At the same time, there are features of the reflection in the accounting of the overpayment to the budget for this tax.

Step 1
Make in accounting the transactions for the calculation with the budget for income tax: - Debit of account 68 (subaccount "Calculations of income tax"), Credit of account 51 "Current account" - advance payments of income tax are transferred to the budget; - Debit of the account 99 "Profit and Loss", Credit of account 68 (subaccount "Calculations of income tax") - the conditional tax expense is reflected.
Step 2
Determine the total tax amount after the end of the reporting period. In case of the resulting overpayment, reflect this amount on account 09 "Deferred tax liabilities". To do this, open a subaccount “Profit tax overpaid to the budget” to this account.
Step 3
Reflect the amount of tax overpayment by making the following accounting entry: - Debit of account 09 (subaccount "Profit tax paid to the budget"), Credit of account 68 (subaccount "Calculations of income tax") - the deferred tax asset was taken into account in the form of an amount excessive tax paid to the budget.
Step 4
Pay off the deferred tax asset when offsetting the amounts of overpayment against current payments by making the entry: - Debit of account 68 (subaccount "Calculations of income tax"), Credit of account 09 "Deferred tax assets" - the overpayment of tax is taken into account. Do not include the amounts recorded on account 09 in the calculation of net profit (loss), since overpayment to the budget does not affect the formation of financial results of activities or the tax base. Reflect them in the balance sheet on the line "Non-current assets".
Step 5
Enter in the explanatory note the clause on the non-application of clause 11 of PBU 18/02 on the reflection of the amount of deferred tax assets in the income statement in the calculation of net profit. This must be done in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 13 of the Federal Law of November 21, 1996 No. 129-FZ "On Accounting", which states that organizations are obliged to report the non-application of accounting rules if they do not allow to reliably reflect the property status and financial results of activity.