How To Reflect The Loss Of Previous Years In The Income Tax Return

How To Reflect The Loss Of Previous Years In The Income Tax Return
How To Reflect The Loss Of Previous Years In The Income Tax Return

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When the financial result of the company for the reporting period is a loss, filling out and submitting a profit tax return is a mandatory requirement. This is explained in article 265 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Previously incurred losses are reflected in line 090 of this declaration, included in non-operating expenses.

How to reflect the loss of previous years in the income tax return
How to reflect the loss of previous years in the income tax return

It is necessary

  • - profit declaration;
  • - reporting for previous years;
  • - Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
  • - calculator.


Step 1

When the company incurs losses, often there is a transfer of negative financial results to the next reporting periods. This can be done within three quarters of the calendar year from the date of incurring losses.

Step 2

If you receive a negative financial result in previous periods, include them in the additional costs. On sheet 02 of the profit declaration in line 040, where the accountant calculates non-operating expenses, include the losses of previous years.

Step 3

Please note that you have the right to include losses in additional expenses gradually, that is, as negative financial results arise. Carry out the transfer of losses in the sequence as they arose. Accordingly, if losses are received in the first or second quarter, they can be attributed to non-operating expenses as follows. First, include in expenses the losses for the first quarter in the reporting for the third, and then transfer the negative financial result for the second quarter to the income statement for the fourth.

Step 4

When reporting on profit, in addition to the tax, which is calculated by multiplying the base by 24%, an advance is calculated and paid. If you incur losses in previous periods, you are exempted from payments. When making a profit in the previous quarter, and in the reporting quarter - losses, advances must be paid in the sequence established in the tax legislation.

Step 5

For past reporting periods, include losses in the statements. To do this, enter the amount of negative financial result in line 090 of Appendix 2 of sheet 02 of the profit declaration.

Step 6

The expenses that you discovered in the reporting year cannot be included in the loss. Errors of the previous periods are corrected by filing an updated declaration. Moreover, it is necessary to fill in, submit the updated reporting within three years. Otherwise, you will not be able to return the overpaid tax amount.
