How To Get A Loan For An Entrepreneur

How To Get A Loan For An Entrepreneur
How To Get A Loan For An Entrepreneur

Table of contents:


Currently, entrepreneurs need funds to open a business or develop an existing business. In the Russian Federation, most banks are ready to issue a loan, but there are some peculiarities for lending to entrepreneurs. Moreover, if you are not the first day in business, the possibility of obtaining a loan increases.

An entrepreneur examines the terms of lending to various banks
An entrepreneur examines the terms of lending to various banks

It is necessary

documents required for obtaining a loan, a positive credit history or an effective business plan


Step 1

Be sure to open a checking account if you don't have one.

Step 2

Study the lending conditions of various banks, namely: credit limit, interest rate.

Step 3

Call the banks whose offers you liked the most.

Step 4

Agree with the bank about obtaining a loan by arriving in person and discussing all the conditions.

Step 5

If you are at the initial stage of business development, submit a business plan and all documents confirming the profitability and profitability of the future project.

Step 6

Submit your credit history. If you do not have one, offer as collateral property (movable or immovable), the cost of which should be twice the amount of the loan you need. Submit all documents for the pledged object. Insure the property in favor of the bank, if required. Submit a certificate confirming that there is no encumbrance on the property being pledged.

Step 7

Find a sponsor. Ask your partner for this role, for example.

Step 8

Calculate your needs for a loan and your ability to pay for it. Please note that the bank will not provide a loan more than the turnover on your current account for two to three months.

Step 9

Submit a copy of your passport with a residence permit in the region of obtaining a loan / notarized constituent documents of the organization and documents confirming the powers of the head of the enterprise.

Step 10

Submit lease agreements for premises at the location of the business or title deeds for proprietary non-residential premises in which the business is organized.

Step 11

Submit your tax registration certificate.

Step 12

Submit a copy of the certificate of state registration and a certificate of making an entry in the Unified State Register.

Step 13

Submit copies of licenses for certain activities, patents and permits.

Step 14

Submit documents confirming your business activities (invoices, contracts, customs declarations, etc.).

Step 15

Submit certificates from the pension fund and the compulsory health insurance fund.

Step 16

Submit a certificate of inventory balances in the warehouse.

Step 17

Fill out the loan application form.

Step 18

Sign an agreement with the bank for a loan.

Step 19

Choose the method of obtaining a loan (in cash or by transfer to a bank card).

Step 20

Get a loan. Pay the loan in accordance with the agreement so that you have a positive credit history in the future.
