Compensation For Sberbank Deposits: How To Get Money Back

Compensation For Sberbank Deposits: How To Get Money Back
Compensation For Sberbank Deposits: How To Get Money Back

In 2014, Sberbank continues to pay compensation for the so-called “burned out” deposits from the Soviet Union era. The money will be returned to almost all depositors.

Compensation for Sberbank deposits: how to get money back
Compensation for Sberbank deposits: how to get money back

Who will receive compensation for Soviet deposits

Sberbank intends to give money to all those who opened a deposit before June 20, 1991. Compensation will be paid even if, in 1992 or later, the depositor took his savings and closed the deposit. If the depositor has already died, the heirs have the right to receive compensation for him.

Compensation for your contribution

If you want to receive compensation for a deposit opened in your name, write a statement at the Sberbank branch where you plan to receive money. Do not forget to bring your passbook and passport with you.

If your book is lost, don't worry. The bank will easily find your personal account in the depositors database according to passport data. However, make sure that the document on page 19 is marked with passports that were issued earlier. It is this data that the bank employee will need.

If there is no such mark, do not panic! In this case, you need to contact the FMS department (passport office) at the place of registration. There you will be given the necessary mark.

How to get compensation for heirs

If you are the heirs of the contribution, write a statement at the branch of Sberbank, which is indicated in the inheritance documents. At the bank, you will need to present copies of these documents, certified by a notary, as well as your passport. Sberbank employees will consider your application and determine the date when you can come and receive compensation.
