As an adult and starting to make money, every citizen is obliged to pay taxes. Taxes are paid not only by citizens, individuals, but also by enterprises that are legal entities. Some types of taxes for citizens are listed by employers, but some, for example, property tax, they are obliged to transfer on their own. In this case, you yourself will be able to see in the receipt the name of the recipient of all tax receipts - the Federal Treasury.

It is necessary
Budget Code of the Russian Federation
Step 1
Yes, all tax deductions from individuals and legal entities go to the territorial offices of this state body, a subdivision of the Ministry of Finance. But at the same time, the payment document must indicate not only the name of the recipient, the payer and the amount, but the code of the budget classification. This code encodes the type of tax revenue. Incoming tax deductions in the Treasury are processed and entered into the payer database with an indication of the tax that was paid.
Step 2
And this is where the fun begins. Although all taxes went to the state treasury, after that each of them is regulated by three levels of budgets that exist in Russia: federal, territorial (regional, regional or republican) and local. Each type of tax has its own standards for deductions for these types of budgets. Some taxes can go entirely to the income of the state, territory or municipality, and some are regulated according to approved standards. These standards are subject to change, they are approved annually simultaneously with the adoption of the next budget.
Step 3
Today, for example, the federal budget is fully charged with value added tax, customs duty, and some types of excise taxes. Income tax goes to the budgets: federal, subject of the federation and local, the tax on the extraction of minerals - only to the federal and local. Thus, taxes transferred by citizens and organizations form the revenue side of the three levels of the budget. Where each tax comes and how it is distributed can be found in article 49.2 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation.
Step 4
Revenues received by the state budget are spent, for example, on social needs, servicing the state debt, securing defense orders, purchasing goods, works and services for state needs, as well as providing budget subsidies and investments. And the state budget is financed, in particular: law enforcement agencies, government agencies, special programs, administrative apparatus, etc. Territorial and local budgets are distributed by the authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation and municipalities.