You can make savings with any income. But regardless of the amount, money should not be dead weight, because inflation will devalue it. Therefore, more and more people come to the idea of investing even small funds.

Step 1
It is incorrect to believe that income from investing money can be obtained only with a sufficiently large start-up capital. Naturally, the amount of profit will be different, but there will be no difference in percentage. It doesn't matter whether you invest 1000 rubles or a million, the income calculated as a percentage will be equal. Not all investment options are suitable for small money, for example, it is clearly not possible to invest in real estate or innovative projects, but there are enough ways not only to preserve savings, but also to profit from it.
Step 2
The most secure way to invest is a bank deposit. The minimum amount of deposits can start from a thousand rubles. However, interest in banks, as a rule, only slightly exceeds the inflation rate, or even below it, so you can forget about profit in this option. On the other hand, citizens' bank deposits are insured by the state, so even if the bank goes bankrupt, you can get your money back. Before opening a deposit account, study the conditions for storing money, calculating interest, the possibility of early closure of the deposit.
Step 3
A very popular option is to invest in mutual funds - mutual funds. They are companies that manage the funds of their depositors and try to increase these funds. There are many ways: investing, playing on the stock exchange or foreign exchange market, investing in precious metals. If the mutual fund has chosen the right strategy and received income, then it will be distributed among the shareholders, in proportion to the size of their contribution to the total investment amount. The problem with such funds is that their income does not depend on the profits of the investors, therefore, in case of unsuccessful transactions, the fund itself does not lose anything, but the shareholders may suffer.
Step 4
The so-called PAMM accounts are increasingly being used as an alternative to mutual funds. In principle, this is the same trust management as in the case of mutual funds, but there is one difference. If the mutual fund manages the depositors' money, then the PAMM account manager operates with his own funds, playing on the stock exchange or exchange rates. All his trading operations with his account will be automatically duplicated in your account. Thus, if the manager makes a profit, then you will receive it as well. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that a certain percentage or a fixed amount will be deducted from you for account management. In addition, the manager may lose his (and therefore your) funds, so you need to choose a trusted company with extensive experience in the market.