Not only the owners of online stores and virtual trading platforms are striving to increase website traffic, but also those who want to expand their social circle, make new friends, partners, and like-minded people. The increase in website traffic is achieved by a number of comprehensively conducted events, each of which individually can give a noticeable, but short-term result.

It is necessary
- Social Bookmarking Services
- Social networks
- Site directories
- Free bulletin boards
- Article directories
- Contextual, teaser or banner advertising
- Content optimization skills
Step 1
Run through social bookmarks. The term "social bookmarking run" refers to adding links to social bookmarks to a resource that needs to increase traffic. There are more than a hundred social bookmarks on the Runet, however, there are no more than ten really working ones. In addition to links, it is worth adding a short description of the site or a separate publication to social bookmarks.
Step 2
Adding links to the site in directories. There are many thematic catalogs in the network, in which you can add a link to the site with a short annotation for free or for a fee. In addition to catalogs, you can use free message boards.
Step 3
Adding articles to article directories. In addition to site directories, there is a very special kind of directories - article directories. On such resources, instead of links with annotations, articles and small publications containing links to the promoted site are added. To date, it is the addition of articles and publications to thematic directories that is the most reliable, safe and effective method of increasing website traffic.
Step 4
Optimization of text materials. Articles, publications and notes on the site must contain at least 2.5-5% of keywords - words that are a reflection of the main content of the resource. It is also recommended to sign pictures and illustrations using keywords. In addition, articles, publications and notes on the site must be unique. Search engines, which provide for each site an influx of visitors and the same notorious "traffic", give priority to sites with unique, nowhere else, text content.
Step 5
Announcement of site news on popular social networking sites: Facebook, Twitter, Odnoklassniki, VKontakte. For this purpose, you can create a thematic group in each of the social networks and publish in it announcements of interesting events, ongoing promotions, abstracts of articles and publications, interviews, new authors, etc. Groups on social networks need to be maintained and developed, invite new users to them, respond to comments, and maintain a friendly atmosphere.
Step 6
To increase traffic, you can also use the simplest advertising tool - contextual advertising via Google Adwords or Yandex. Direct, as well as the possibilities of banner or teaser advertising. An excellent result for increasing site traffic is given by holding contests and promotions on the site, which can be announced on friendly-minded resources, in social bookmarks and social networks.
Methods for increasing site traffic are becoming more and more diverse every day, their development and modification must be regularly monitored, selecting for yourself the most suitable technologies in terms of budget and opportunities for increasing site traffic.