How To Open A Perfumery Production

How To Open A Perfumery Production
How To Open A Perfumery Production

Perfumery products are incredibly popular goods, the production of perfumes brings huge profits. Is it possible to establish your own perfumery production without significant investments?

How to open a perfumery production
How to open a perfumery production

In the minds of many, perfume production is an art, a real mystery, when a perfumer, obeying inspiration, creates a unique scent by mixing various ingredients. Alas, this way of producing perfumery is in the distant past. Nowadays, perfumes and eau de parfum are produced in huge factories, and the production process itself is completely devoid of romance.

Little-known fact: almost all well-known brands and perfume houses are owned by giant multinational corporations that, along with perfumes, produce washing powders, toothpastes and baby diapers. The production of fragrances is put on an assembly line, where there is no place for magic, genuine creativity, and uniqueness. But spirits are profitable, and considerable: the demand for perfumery products is consistently high.

Obviously, perfume production is a very lucrative business. Moreover, almost everyone can start producing their own perfumes. Of course, the production of perfumery products on an industrial scale is impossible without a solid start-up capital, since it requires the purchase of expensive equipment, lease of workshops, the development of original packaging and a wide range of fragrances. And it will not be easy for a beginner to compete with the monsters of the perfume business.

However, making your own perfume is a great idea for a small home business that doesn't require a lot of financial investment. A novice perfumer can create their own unique compositions from aromatic oils, the cost of which is low. Such author's fragrances will certainly find their buyer, because they are exclusive, and this is a huge advantage in a market filled with world brands.

Of course, the main requirement for perfumery products is a pleasant aroma. Therefore, a perfumer, first of all, must have a good scent and a subtle sense of style. It's a great idea to create your own fragrances following the principles of aromatherapy. It is known that smells affect the emotional state of a person, harmonize the work of the nervous system and the entire human body. This idea is already being implemented by small companies. For example, the Swiss company Velds produces a unique scent that promotes weight loss!

Of course, in order to make a profit, it is not enough to mix aromatic oils and fill them in beautiful bottles. It is also important to present your goods correctly, to advertise correctly. In the era of information technology, this is not difficult: you can sell your products through an online store and various social networks.
