How To Calculate Holidays

How To Calculate Holidays
How To Calculate Holidays

Table of contents:


Holidays are specified in article No. 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Regardless of whether they fall on schedule or the employer attracts to work for production needs, they should be paid double or given an additional day of rest. This is indicated by article 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

How to calculate holidays
How to calculate holidays


Step 1

If an employee does not work according to the schedule, it is possible to involve him in work on holidays only with written consent. Pay double the average daily salary or wage rate. If an employee wants to receive an additional day off instead of double payment, payment for the holiday should be made in a single amount of the average daily salary or hourly wage rate.

Step 2

Those employees who work on a sliding schedule also need to pay double the amount of their wages or to be provided with an additional day off.

Step 3

Workers working from production should be paid double the amount of production or single and given an extra day of rest.

Step 4

If an employee receives a salary and was not involved in work on holidays, but was resting, then the amount of the salary is not reduced. When working on a public holiday, the calculation should be made by dividing the salary by the actual number of working days in a month and multiplying by two. Or divide the salary by the actual number of hours worked in a month, multiply by the number of hours worked on holidays, and multiply by two. Or provide an equal number of additional days of rest. In particular, this applies to the January holidays, when the number of working days in a month is significantly less.
