Cash limit is the maximum amount of cash that an organization can leave at its cash desk at the end of the working day. The cash balance limit is set once a year based on the company's calculations and approved by the bank that serves the company. The issue is regulated by the Regulation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated 1998-05-01. No. 14-P "On the Rules for Organization of Cash Circulation in the Territory of the Russian Federation".

It is necessary
- Mindfulness;
- literacy;
- knowledge of formulas.
Step 1
Take the form number 0408020 in 2 copies. It is intended for entering the data for calculating the cash balance limit and issuing a permit for spending cash from the proceeds received at the cash desk of the company. Enter the name of the company, the number of the current account and the name of the bank to which you submit the payment.
Step 2
Fill in all amounts in thousand rubles. In the "Cash and cash receipts for the last 3 months" field, indicate the actual receipts to the cashier for the specified period. If there have been sharp changes in the volume of revenue, please provide data for the last month. For businesses that are just starting to work with a cashier, indicate the expected amount for the next month. If there is no cash receipt at the cashier, then put a dash.
Step 3
Divide the total specified amount of revenue by the number of working days for the billing period. Enter the resulting number in the "Average daily revenue" field. Divide the average daily revenue by the number of hours worked per day. Enter the result in the "Average hourly revenue" field.
Step 4
Calculate the actual amount of cash expenditures from the cash desk of the company for the last 3 months. Please note that salaries and social benefits are not included in the calculation. Similarly to item 1, in case of sharp changes in volumes, indicate the data for the last month, and for newly created firms - the planned amount. Calculate and fill in your average daily consumption.
Step 5
Specify the terms in which you plan to hand over the proceeds (daily, the next day, every few days). The term must be justified; for this, the fields "Business hours" and "Time of delivery of proceeds" are filled in. If the business is open until 18.00 or 19.00, the deadline is usually set daily. If the organization works late, and the bank does not have an evening cash desk or an evening cash collection service, then the term “next day” is set. For organizations located far from banks (for example, in villages), the deadline is set "1 time in _ days" and the cash balance limit is equal to several average daily earnings.
Step 6
Reasonable limit amount is the difference between the average daily receipts and expenditures. Based on the calculations, fill in the "Requested limit amount" field. You can put an amount slightly higher than the calculated one, usually banks agree to a small margin. If there are no receipts, then the amount is set equal to the average daily consumption.
Step 7
This form also provides a field for the purposes for which it is allowed to spend cash proceeds from the cash desk of the enterprise. Fill it out, based on the real needs of the issuance of funds from the cash register.
Step 8
Sign both copies of the calculation with the head of the enterprise and the chief accountant and take them to the bank for approval. The bank will enter its “verdict” in the field “Decision of the bank institution”, where it will fix the established amount of the cash balance limit and the permitted purposes of spending the proceeds. If an enterprise works with several banks, then the calculation can be approved in any of them, and then a notification about the established limit can be sent to other banks.