The limit is the maximum amount of cash that can remain in the cash register at the end of the working day. It is very important to correctly calculate this limit, because for exceeding it there are penalties. And setting a small limit is not reasonable, because all over-limit cash will have to be handed over to the bank, which is not always economically profitable.

Step 1
First of all, read the "Procedure for conducting cash transactions in the Russian Federation." It is this document that provides for a limit of money in the cash desk of the enterprise.
Step 2
Please note that the limit is set for each year. To establish it, take a form in your bank on the form 0408020. In the form, indicate the required amount of the limit and the purpose for which you are going to spend cash. After approval of the limit, the bank will return one copy to you.
Step 3
If your company has subdivisions that do not have their own current account and balance, distribute the amount of the limit between the head office and all separate subdivisions.
Step 4
To set the limit, calculate the average daily and average hourly revenue, as well as the average daily consumption. Calculate the average daily revenue by dividing the actual revenue for the last three months by the number of working days in this period. Find the average daily consumption accordingly. Divide the average daily revenue by the number of hours worked and you get the average hourly revenue.
Step 5
Take into account only cash payments (bank receipts are not included in the average daily and average hourly earnings). At the same time, include non-operating income, for example, the return of accountable amounts.
Step 6
Specify a limit slightly higher than the average daily revenue. Please note that some banks allow you to set a limit in the amount of the average daily expense. This is necessary when the revenue is small and the expense is large. But in this case, you may be asked the question: "Where do you get the money to pay off expenses?"
Step 7
Be prepared to provide documents to confirm your calculations: cash desk, advance statements, sales receipts, and so on.
Step 8
And the last thing, if you still miscalculated the limit and you still have cash, and you don’t want to hand it over to the bank, “play” with the report. In the evening, give the surplus to the employee under the report, and the next morning return them to the cashier. Banks see this trick, but they cannot punish you, because formally you are not breaking the law.