Is It Possible To Take Vouchers In A Travel Agency On Credit

Is It Possible To Take Vouchers In A Travel Agency On Credit
Is It Possible To Take Vouchers In A Travel Agency On Credit

Consumer loans have become so firmly established in modern life that the advertising phrase "take everything from life" for many has become a guide to action. Now you can become the owner of an apartment and a car by collecting the necessary documents, and become the owner of a kettle by installments and generally in a couple of minutes without leaving the store. And if after all the big expenses there is no money left for a vacation by the sea, it doesn't matter either. Any travel agency will issue you a loan for a voucher.

Is it possible to take vouchers in a travel agency on credit
Is it possible to take vouchers in a travel agency on credit

A vacation on credit is no different from buying a regular package tour from a tour operator. The bank only pays for you, in which you apply for a special loan. Usually, the procedure for obtaining such a loan looks like this. You choose the direction you like in the travel agency, draw up a preliminary contract. And then you go to the bank that cooperates with this tour operator. Naturally, you will have to collect a package of necessary documents. Moreover, the number of certificates will depend on the amount you want to get on credit.

If you have chosen a tour costing up to 100 thousand rubles, you only need a passport. And anything over this amount (and you can buy tours up to one and a half million on credit) will require confirmation of your solvency. Then the borrower will need to bring not only a passport, but also a driver's license or military ID, a certificate of income 2NDFL, certified by an accountant. The same documents may be required from the second half, if the borrower flies on vacation with his family. It all depends on the internal requirements for a loan in each specific bank. And, of course, you must have a good credit history.

In terms of its legal specifics, a vacation loan is very similar to a consumer loan. But the interest rate on such a loan is slightly lower: from 14.9% to 26% per annum. The higher the loan rate, the longer the repayment period (up to 84 months) and the fewer requirements for the documents presented. The easiest way to get a loan is from the so-called micro credit companies. You can get money in cash almost on the day you apply, having only a passport in your hands. But the interest rate is also very high there.

The rest of the banks do not issue a cash loan to the borrower, but transfer it directly to the travel agency with which you have entered into an agreement. This scheme has one serious drawback: if the trip is canceled due to your fault (illness, unforeseen circumstances), the service will be considered rendered and you will still have to pay for the vacation that you have not used. If the rest is disrupted due to the fault of third parties (airlines, weather conditions, etc.), you will have an insurance against cancellation, which will be issued automatically when you buy a tour on credit. And financial claims will be decided by the tour operator and the bank on a personal basis.

Buying a tour on credit is not suitable for those who want to buy a "last minute ticket", when money must be deposited literally on the day of purchase. The bank also reserves the right to consider your application within 3-5 days, and the same amount they will transfer money to the account of the travel agency if the loan is approved. Therefore, it is better to plan the opportunity to relax on credit at least a month before the planned vacation. Such a loan is a good opportunity to buy a tour with early booking 3-5 months before the trip. The favorable cost and the choice of offers will more than compensate for the interest you have to pay to the bank. And, as a rule, during this period, you can safely repay the loan ahead of schedule, and go on vacation as a "free" person.

There is also a more interesting proposal, especially for those who do not have time to wait, but want to go on vacation tomorrow. You can pay for the tour with a credit card of any bank. Surely, everyone has such a card, but it only makes sense to use it in really emergency situations. Let's say you have thirty thousand of your own money, but you need eighty for a good rest. Does it make sense to take out a loan for fifty thousand? But there is a credit card, say Sberbank, with a limit of 120 thousand. You can pay the missing amount by bank transfer directly from the card. The grace period for the return of funds on such a card is 50 days (each bank has its own conditions). During this time, you can manage to put the funds taken from the card without interest. The advantage of such a scheme is its efficiency, when you urgently need money to pay for a profitable tour price, for example, for a promotion.

Buying vouchers on credit has one big pitfall - whether a person will be able to fully relax, knowing that this vacation will still have to be worked out. Before such a responsible step, you need to think carefully about whether it is worth going into debt for the sake of a vacation, when you can dig a little more, or go to another, more budgetary place. After all, a week of rest will have to work out for several months.
