How To Carry Out An Act Of Offset

How To Carry Out An Act Of Offset
How To Carry Out An Act Of Offset

Table of contents:


The act of mutual settlements (or mutual settlements) is drawn up in the form of a document and reflects the transactions of settlements made between two companies (for example, between a company and its counterparty).

How to carry out an act of offset
How to carry out an act of offset


Step 1

Create an offsetting form. To do this, write at the top of the document: "The act of mutual settlements between". Next, write down the names of the companies that are participants in the settlement operations. Next to the name of each organization, mark its location, phone number, TIN and payment details (BIK and the name of the bank in which the company has a current account).

Step 2

Write down what was the basis for the offset. For example, you can write as follows: "This act is drawn up to speed up mutual settlements between the parties." Next, indicate the names and organizational forms of these parties. After that, type: "who agreed to set off the amount of funds in the amount of". Then indicate the numerical value of the required amount, and write it in full in brackets.

Step 3

Continue the sentence. After the amount indicated in words, put a comma and write the word "which". Next, mark the name of the organization that must pay the indicated amount to the other party. At the same time, write down the "should" after the name of the company and immediately next to it, type the name of the company that needs to receive these funds.

Step 4

Indicate on the basis of which agreement the act of settlements is drawn up. The number of this document and the date from which it came into force should be noted here. Very often, several contracts can serve as the basis for drawing up such an act. In this case, you can simply list the contract numbers and the dates of their execution.

Step 5

Enter in the act the total amount under the agreement or agreements (if there were several of them). First, specify its numerical value, and write it in full in parentheses. After that, put all the necessary signatures of the parties (as a rule, the signatures of the heads of the companies and their chief accountants are required), the stamps and the date.
