What To Do If There Is No Money And Depression Begins

What To Do If There Is No Money And Depression Begins
What To Do If There Is No Money And Depression Begins

Solving the problem of a catastrophic lack of money is not difficult if you are a free person. But what if your family obligations are holding you back? And you cannot yet work to the fullest extent of your strength? Waiting for better times is not the best solution.

What to do if there is no money and depression begins
What to do if there is no money and depression begins

Risk zones

It is easy to blame someone for not wanting to work and earn for all their needs, because situations are different. Some people have health limitations. Others have elderly relatives in their arms, who cannot be abandoned even for the sake of a large income. Still others "put down roots" in small towns where it is difficult to find a profitable place.

A special “risk zone” is young families with small children. It is not uncommon that the costs associated with the child are much higher than expected. The family is forced to drastically reduce the usual expenses, while the breadwinner is left alone.

The most difficult situation is if a young mother has to raise a child alone. The young woman finds herself under a "double blow". On the one hand, there are numerous troubles with the baby, on the other, there is a lack of money.

Many in a difficult financial situation do not find anything else but to go to social networks and complain about "depression". Others wonder endlessly what to do. And still others are looking for how to solve the problem. Or at least weaken her degree.

Step one - rationalize costs

At first glance, there is nothing to rationalize in the face of a monetary deficit. But most often you can find hidden reserves:

  1. Try not to take out a loan, especially from a microfinance organization. This tool will help in your situation once, but then it will become a burden on the family budget. If you already have a loan, try refinancing it.
  2. Calculate all your monthly expenses. Determine where and how much money is going.
  3. Find out which family budget items you can cut. For example, you should switch to a more favorable Internet or mobile tariff, refuse coffee in a coffee shop, etc.
  4. Don't get carried away by discounts. Even for a special offer, take only what you definitely need.
  5. Avoid emotional purchases. Think about where and how the thing will be applied. If you don’t know yet, then don’t buy.

Young parents often buy too many things for their child. On the one hand, they want to express their love. On the other hand, there is aggressive advertising imposing children's products. Therefore, it can be difficult to resist.

How to optimize costs for your baby:

  1. Ask experienced mothers or read articles on what things and how much a child needs at a certain age. Make a list and stick to it. Don't buy anything for fashion.
  2. Before buying, think about who you want to please: a baby or yourself. Often mothers take beautiful useless things, because she really liked them.
  3. Treat everything "without fanaticism." For example, if a child is sick, do not buy up the entire pharmacy. Read the doctor's prescription and medication instructions carefully. After that, take only what is needed in your situation.

Step two: reallocate time

Time is an even more valuable resource than money. Try to use it more efficiently:

  • reduce the time spent watching TV, surfing the Internet;
  • quit computer games;
  • do not burden yourself with unnecessary things, you should not make sacrifices. For example, don't kill yourself with daily wet cleaning and thorough ironing of baby clothes. Of course, if there is no medical indication;
  • walk in the fresh air, try to get enough sleep. This will help you think and act more effectively, and your depression will ease;
  • live according to the regime.

In the end, it may well turn out that you have more free time than you thought.

Step three: find new sources of income

Think about how and on what you could make money. Possible options:

  1. Decide on advanced training or retraining. For example, if you are a nurse, you can take massage courses. Master photography on a professional level - you can earn money at weddings.
  2. Find a part-time job at home over the Internet. You can find remote vacancies for article authors, designers, teachers, online store employees and many others. Moreover, employers often do not care whether you live in Moscow or the village of Romashkino.
  3. Find a weekend job.
  4. Team up with like-minded people and start your own business.

Most likely, you will not make a lot of money at once. But you will take a different vector in your life, moving from expectation to activity. You will no longer be tormented by hopelessness, you will be able to restore faith in yourself. And without this, financial well-being is simply impossible.
