It often happens that maternity capital, which was issued for financial support to a large family, cannot be received by the person to whom it was issued. In this case, it is possible to obtain maternity capital by proxy.

Maternity capital - additional funds that are allocated by the state to support families who have given birth to a second or third child, or have adopted a baby from an Orphanage or Baby House. It often happens that the person for whom the maternity capital is issued, for one reason or another, is not able to receive it personally. In this case, another person (grandmother, grandfather, and so on) needs to receive state material assistance. Is it possible to obtain maternity capital with a certified power of attorney?
How to get family capital by power of attorney?
Yes, such an opportunity is provided. In order to receive state material assistance, it is required to apply to the Pension Fund, which is territorial, with a power of attorney, an appropriate application and the required list of documents. In the Pension Fund, a person who wishes to receive state assistance in the form of maternity capital under an existing power of attorney will be issued a state certificate. It is with the presence of this document and with a power of attorney that obtaining family capital will not be a problem.
Often people have a question whether it is possible to get maternity capital by proxy. Why can't it be? Because not so long ago a problem of this kind existed. Until September 22, 2008, the procedure for applying for the issuance of family capital by a third party with an application and by power of attorney was not provided in any way. On September 22, 2008, some amendments were made to the relevant law of the Russian Federation, and the issuance of family capital by power of attorney became a possible procedure.
Changes in the law of the Russian Federation on obtaining maternity capital by proxy
It should be noted that a confidant who needs to receive family capital can be not only a close relative, but also an absolutely outsider. The amendments that were made to the law on maternity capital are especially useful for those who live in the outback of the Russian Federation or on their own, for one reason or another, cannot receive material state assistance. It is worth considering that in accordance with the law, heads of municipalities have the right to certify the originality of documents and signatures. Changes in the law also imply that a person who wants to receive maternity capital under a letter of attorney has the right to apply to the territorial Pension Fund in the place where the family lives, previously it was possible to apply only to the Pension Fund exclusively at the place of registration.