Few Russian families spend their maternity capital on children's education. Not surprisingly, most young Russians study in public schools for free. And when it comes to entering a university, additional funds are not at all superfluous. But not everyone knows that higher education fees are also included in the program.

Where can you study at the expense of matkapital
Maternal family capital (MSC) is allowed to pay for the education of children in various educational institutions. It can be, among other things, a college or university. The main thing is that they must be in Russia, work within the framework of the state education system and have the right to teach for a fee.
You cannot pay for study at an institution that does not have state accreditation. That is, some kind of "academy" of alternative medicine will not work. It is also impossible to use the capital to pay for tuition at a foreign university.
In addition, MSC funds are used to pay for living in a hostel. Of course, we are talking about the "hostel", which the university or institute provides a student for the duration of his studies. If a person lives in a hostel with a permanent residence permit, then they will not be allowed to pay with maternity capital.
On which child is allowed to spend wage capital
Not only the child, in connection with the appearance of which the family received the MSC, can study at the expense of the mother capital. Both the first child and the third have such an opportunity. The main condition is that a student must meet his first semester at the age of no more than 23 years. For example, if the son first served in the army and then went to study at the age of 22, it is quite acceptable to use the funds of the MSC.
The amount of the mother capital is allowed to be divided and used in parts. She will be allowed to send several children to study, if it is so convenient for the family. For example, two-thirds go to study for an older student child, and a third goes to support the kid in kindergarten. This does not require children to study at the same time.
The state allows only a part of the capital to be spent on the education of children, and the rest to be used for other purposes stipulated by the law. Parts of the MSC are allowed to be spent at different times.
Do I have to wait three years
The opportunity to pay for university studies with a womb capital comes three years after the birth of a second or subsequent baby. For example, if the oldest child entered college in the year of birth of the youngest, it will not be possible to pay for the first three courses with capital.
Another important point: the validity of an already issued certificate is unlimited. That is, you do not have to start spending MSCs three years after the birth of your second child. If you want, you can save this money for your junior's education.
What documents are asked to collect
To use the funds of the maternity capital to pay for the university, the following package of documents should be referred to the Pension Fund:
- Mom's statement about the disposal of MSC funds (or part of them). The form can be obtained from your FIU branch;
- mom's passport with registration;
- a copy of the contract for the provision of paid educational services. The paper must be certified by the university.
If you plan to use the capital to pay for the hostel, you need to prepare:
- passport and application from mom;
- agreement with the hostel. The document must indicate the amount of payment and its terms;
- a certificate from the university, which confirms the fact of the student's residence in the corresponding hostel.
How to get back unused funds
Sometimes circumstances force you to change your plans. If for some reason the child stopped studying at the university, then the unused funds of the mother capital can be saved.
If you have written an application for the disposal of capital, but the Pension Fund has not yet transferred the money to the university, then it is enough to simply cancel your application. To do this, contact your local fund office.
In some cases, it is possible to suspend the transfer of maternity capital funds to the university already during the child's education. But the reasons must be compelling:
- expulsion from the university;
- academic leave;
- death of a child.
The student's mother needs to bring to her PFR branch a statement of refusal to send funds from the mother capital. Documents should be attached to confirm the reason for the refusal. The same procedure applies if the mother capital paid not for studies, but for a hostel.