Usually loans are a bad solution to financial problems, as they draw money out of a person. However, there are 4 situations in which a loan can be considered a good income-generating solution.

A loan to buy an asset that will bring you income
Almost all things can be an asset or a liability. An asset is a thing that brings income, and a liability, on the contrary, takes it away. For example, after the purchase, the computer can be used as a toy, in this case the credit is bad, since it only draws out money. But, if a computer is needed at work, then it turns into an asset, with the help of which a person earns money, for which he pays a loan.

Carry Trade
If you have risk tolerance, you can try using credit as leverage to make money. For example, some banks offer interest-free credit cards for several months up to 50,000 rubles with a free option to withdraw cash from ATMs (a link to a list of banks that issue credit cards without a fee for withdrawing cash with a grace period can be found in the sources for the article).
You can try to withdraw these 50,000 rubles and put them in a reliable bank at interest for three months or buy bonds of a reliable company with a close maturity date on the stock exchange (links to the list of deposits for three months in Russian banks and bonds with a short maturity can be found in sources to the article).
Thus, we get a kind of "carry trade". This strategy is usually used in the foreign exchange market. In short, the main essence of such transactions is that you borrow money from one organization, for example, at 2% and put them in another organization at a higher percentage, for example, a deposit at 5%. You end up with a small profit.
Of course, you won't earn much in this way, since such credit cards have annual payments and a limit on an interest-free loan, but 2,000 or 3,000 rubles per year of additional income can be made almost without risk, provided that you choose a reliable bank or buy bonds of a reliable issuer, for example, a state bank or a federal company to which you will lend money at interest. Bond yields are usually a few percent higher on average than bank deposits.
Now you can become a creditor of the largest corporations in Russia through the purchase of bonds, having in your hands an amount of 1000 rubles (links to bonds with a par value of 1000 rubles in the sources to the article).
You can try to take an apartment on a mortgage, and then rent it out, which will allow you to close the loan at the expense of tenants. The tax deduction of 13 percent, which is available to citizens of the Russian Federation, can additionally reduce the credit burden. The basis for calculating the tax deduction is not more than 3,000,000 rubles. So, if the apartment costs 3 million rubles, our state will return the amount in the form of a deduction from taxes in the amount of 390,000 rubles. Thus, taking into account the rental of an apartment and the receipt of tax deductions, you can even earn money by buying a living space on a mortgage.

Your education
If you are confident that your chosen profession will be in demand after graduation, you can safely take out a loan. Education can greatly increase your chances of getting a desired position. Also, a loan motivates well to study and find a job.